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RNENU.msi, Sonic RecordNow!

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All right, so I am trying to run a game on my computer, Halo to be exact. It's listed as an ISO image file, around roughly 627,000 KB. I try to open the program, and Sonic RecordNow! starts downloading, but half into the download a message pops up and says "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'RNENU.msi' in the box below." In the box is "c:\hp\tmp\src\"

What on earth is going on? I've tried just about everything I could think of, and have browsed over many a forum regarding this topic. But none of them have been of any help whatsoever. Any advice is welcome and much appreciated.

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please a little more in detail.

what do you mean by "listed"? are you tried to mount it using some emulation software?

also can you explain what is the "download" thing?

i think you have downloaded an iso image and you double-click it, then recordnow opens because it is the associated program with that extension and the download thing is the message box that says something like "wait until windows installer configures recordnow". if this is the scenario, try to reinstall recordnow. but i you ant run the game with recordnow, to run it you need an emulation software.

but trying to answer other questions about a downloaded game maybe illegal in this forum...

if im wrong about what you tried to ask, then please explain a little further what are you trying to do.

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