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IE7 Won't save my homepage


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I Finally Installed IE7 yesterday, and so far I'm digging it. Way better and faster than FF, and doesn't eat the resources the way FF does. Now I had problem when I got it through auto updates. It would not install, as I could not completely shut down my antivirus and spyware tools. So I got the bright idea of installing it using safemode with networking, and it installed without a problem. Except, It will not save my homepage. When I shut the browser down, it reverts right back to MSN. Any idea's??

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I Finally Installed IE7 yesterday, and so far I'm digging it. Way better and faster than FF, and doesn't eat the resources the way FF does. Now I had problem when I got it through auto updates. It would not install, as I could not completely shut down my antivirus and spyware tools. So I got the bright idea of installing it using safemode with networking, and it installed without a problem. Except, It will not save my homepage. When I shut the browser down, it reverts right back to MSN. Any idea's??
Have you tried manyally editing the registry keys?

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main "Start Page"

^ Your start page

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main "Default_Page_URL"

^ Page IE uses as default.

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