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cannot connect to secure sites


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Taking into consideration that u're using IE with WinXP -

Check your firewall settings, check to see if the SSL, TLS options are ticked, in the IE Advanced options. Clear the SSL State, under IE Content. Make sure that you have the latest version of IE, that support 128 bit encryption. You can find out the version along with encryption under IE -> Help - About.

Check out the following links -



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I've found systems where all the advice I could find wouldn't restore secure connections to IE. Where a reinstall wasn't practical I just installed Firefox or Netscape. You can spend hours learning or seconds fixing the problem.

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I work for a DoD office, and after we install OS, we have to run a program that finds and fixes security holes in XP.

It's a nice tool, but can also be a real pain sometimes--if you're not carefull this program will lock a computer down to the point that it hardly works anymore. I mention this because while building a computer image a few months ago I managed to somehow disable IE's ability to access secure sites. Most of the changes this app makes are via group policy and registry entries, and, like severach said, I searched high and low and couldn't find a single setting that "should" have broken the ability to access these sites.


Is this a computer that you were able to access secure sites on before?

If so, what recent changes have been made that may affect the browser settings, such as applications being installed, etc.?

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