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Code needed for help with SMS2003 Capinst.exe - To deploy SMS Clients

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Guys, can you help me out? I am sure this is a right dumb question with a simple solution, but I haven't got an idea.

I want to run the following command from a logon script to install either SMS Advanced Client or Legacy Client, depending on the version of the OS:

%0\..\capinst.exe /SLP="slpname"/AUTODETECT=exit1.exe

The bit where it says exit1.exe is where I am having probs.

I need to write a script that can return a value of 0 if the PC is Windows 95, 98 or NT4 and to return a value of 1 if Windows 2000 or XP. This script should run silently, I have seen an example of a vbscript that just has 1 line, "Wscript.Quit 1" which will make the return value to be 1.

Now if this was to be written in VBScript, is there a way it can run on windows 98 machine without the need of windows scripting host, ie can it be compiled in a .exe that will work on all operating systems

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I just finished deploying SMS03 to 300 machines across five buildings, and found capist to be a pain. I ended up deploying the client via a GPO, and letting SMS decide the client site based of of the IP Subnet / AD Site Name.

Granted I went all out and extended the AD Schema, so it may not would without that.

As far as writing a script to run any where, you can use regular batch file commands to do this. Check KB190899 for how to determine the OS in a batch file, and based on that you can fill in the AUTODETECT value as needed.

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