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Silently Register AoA DVD Copy/Ripper After Silent Install?


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I don't how many of you out there, if any, use or have even heard of AoA DVD Copy & AoA DVD Ripper, but I've been using them for awhile now. I put them on my Unattended DVD and they install silently with no problems. I would like to automatically input the reg info. (serial code, etc.) so I won't have to do it manually when I load up the programs for the first time. The only thing is, I can't find where the registration info is! :wacko:

Does anybody out there know where to find it? Where I should look? I already went to regedit and tried to look it up in the HKEY_Current_User and HKEY_Local_Machine under Software, but the only entries for AoA DVD Copy and Ripper were in Current User and they didn't have any of the Registration info! :angry:

ALSO ANOTHER QUESTION! I've been thinking of getting a new DVD copy program, since the few I have don't seem to be working on newer disks anymore. (Especially Sony discs, those ba$t@rds!) With all the newer protections, bad sectors, etc. DVD Decrypter and AoA can't get past them. (Although AoA comes out with newer versions for small fixes, they don't address THIS issue) One Click DVD Copy Pro is the new program I've been thinking of getting. MY QUESTION IS: Is One Click DVD Copy Pro a good program that can properly copy DVD's, put them on an 8.5 or shrink them down to a 4.7 DVD with good quality? Can it keep up with the latest copy protections? I'd hate to pay a lot of money for crap is all! :lol:

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