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Different apps


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Hi there!

Could you guys download my "stuff-list" for my unattended XP installation and correct any errors you see?

I want help from people who have tested these apps and know their correct switches. I also would like to know if I'm supposed to do any extracting and if so, which files should be extracted. And if you could supply me with information regarding the fact that some apps need taskkilling, I'd be glad :)!

You don't have to worry about all the "A.D", "external file", "RyanVM" and "bookmark", those are my own notes.

I'm sitting on a Mac, and therfor I haven't been able to test all switches...

Thanks in advance,



Edited by Doggie52
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having a quick look - all seems ok.

though i would use the .msi files for Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 & SunJava Update7

install them and the find

acrobat is found in c:\program files\acrobat\

sunjava is found in c:\docs and setting\user\temp

Quicktime7 is kicking about the forum, a search should find what you need

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Thanks for the quick reply!

Is it optional to use the msi files for those apps (I don't want any control if it's not needed, I'm quite familiar with PS :D)?

This will probably sound like an id*** question but, when do I use "msiexec" instead of the usual start /wait (or the other one for RunOnceEx)?

BTW, I like your sig, oioldman ;)...

Edited by Doggie52
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i use the msi with /quiet /norestart to install and it will be default install, just easier and smaller in some cases that .exe file

as your probably aware, they can be pushed out through AD as well

you don't specifically need to use msiexec /i to install, the /n pushes the msiexec commands to the .exe file

start /wait, means that start and wait to finsh before doing next application in list


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I posted a method for automating Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 which I think works.

I am just learning and would like someone to test it before contributing it to the sticky.

I basically ran a file monitor to see where the installer was dumping files, grabed those files and tried various commands until I discoverd that the xxx.msi /passive switch was the only one that seemed to do anything.

It shows a progress bar so its not a silent install, but there is no user interaction.

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