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Posted (edited)

Using this method, you will NOT have to download 400MB of trial software from the Installshield servers, or waste your bandwidth until the Installshield software downloads 1000 dependencies from the Microsoft servers. Also, you do NOT temper with the MSI file, you just guide the installation through an MST file.

- Download Nero, extract with WinRAR, and create admin install. (msiexec /a Nero.msi)

- Download and install Orca. It's free! (1.5MB)

- Right-click on Nero.msi (The administrative install) and choose 'Edit with Orca'.

- Click "Transform" and "New Transform"

- On the "Tables" menu choose "Condition"

To remove components, change "1" to "0".

NeroBackitUp				NOT(CCB9D5429=1)
NeroCoverDesigner NOT(C7CE8D626=1)
NeroHome NOT(C2FF8B816=1)
NeroImageDrive NOT(CE38B9E06=1)
NeroMediaHome NOT(C53BEFA20=1)
NeroPhotoSnap NOT(CED1EAF52=1)
NeroRecode NOT(C6035F00C=1)
NeroShowTime NOT(CD773A6E2=1)
NeroSoundTrax NOT(C716FE146=1)
NeroStartSmart NOT(CB035464E=1)
NeroVision NOT(C57D52359=1)
NeroWaveEditor NOT(CFA3A3F7B=1)
NeroBurnRights NOT(C72CC518F=1)
NeroCDDVDSpeed NOT(C82602EE0=1)
NeroDriveSpeed NOT(C7DFFCC12=1)
NeroInfoTool NOT(CE72D824A=1)
NeroFastCDDVDBurningPlugin NOT(CC5AB9CFD=1)

- Search and drop "NeroFilterCheck"

- Search and drop all instances of "medialibrary" to disable Nero Scout.

- Search and drop all instances of "nerosearch" to disable Nero Search Bar.

- When done, click "Transform" and "Generate Transform". Save as Unattended.MST

- Install Nero, using:

Nero.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" MSISOURCEFILE="Nero.msi"

- To register Nero use this regtweak:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]
"User"="Your User Info"
"Company"="Your Company Info"

So your RunOnceEx.cmd should look like this:

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Nero Burning Rom v7.2.3.2b" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %CDROM%\Software\Nero\Nero.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\Software\Nero\nero.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress STARTPARAM=\"CallFromExe\" DONOTRUNSETUPX=\"1\" MSISOURCEFILE=\"Nero.msi\"" /f

Note that the reg file is installed first, so that Nero will know that you have the serial number.

Edited by Nucleus


Will this only mod the installer not to install items you don't want or will it also remove the items you don't want, shrinking the installer?

If so.. it is very easy and nice! But I am lazy, I stick to Hp38user's Nero Lite.



This will not shrink the installer. Everything is there, you just tell the MST file what to install. This is for people who do not want to depend on third party releases and want to update their unattended DVD their own way.


After you extract Nero using WinRAR, run SetupX.exe until the first installation window appears. Then press cancel. This will extract all the files needed, and you will not get that error when you try to create an administrative install.


Sorry for the nOOb question, but what do I do with this.....

- Install Nero, using:


These instructions are great and really appreciated, but most are written for people who have an understanding of what you are talking about. There are many of us who have no idea of programming but are trying hard to make sense of it. I've been a month, through many trial and errors, trying to get Nero on my Unattended CD. This is a great site and I've learned alot ( I guess not enough ). Keep up the good work. But remember, most of us need a little more explanation.....thanks

Sorry for the nOOb question, but what do I do with this.....

Thats just the command to use, to install Nero. Open command promt, and run it in the folder where Nero is, just to see if it's working OK. Then, add it to your unattended CD/DVD like I described in the RunOnceEx.cmd box. You should also check this out.



No, you don't have to recompress it.


Click "Edit" then "Find" type "NeroFilterCheck", click "Search". Right click on the line found, select "Drop". A green line wil appear over the selected. That's it. Do the same with all the lines contaning the word "medialibrary" You will find more than one.


Question....In Orca, if you look under "Tables" and go into "Property" you will see "SERIALNUM_USERVAL" with the Demo serial. Can this Demo serial be changed to a working serial so that there would be no need for a Regtweak?



I don't know, I haven't tried it.


I am assuming you mean the shortcut in Start -> Programs -> Nero 7. Yes, that's normal. I added another batch file in my RunOnceEx.cmd to modify that menu the way I want it. It looks like this now.


Posted (edited)


Hi, i have seen in Orca, Tables-->Media that there are the cab of installation, Is there any way to remove the innecessary cabs of app removed form the msi in order to save space from the installer.

another thing please, Would you like please to post you batch file that looks like the image, to modify the menu.

Thank you very much

Edited by Major

I'm sorry, I can't answer that question. Testing needs to be done.

Here's the batch file:


cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

SET NeroProfile=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Premium

MOVE /Y "%NeroProfile%\›œ›¦£β¤˜\Nero Burning ROM.lnk" "%NeroProfile%"
MOVE /Y "%NeroProfile%\›œ›¦£β¤˜\Nero Express.lnk" "%NeroProfile%"
MOVE /Y "%NeroProfile%\„¨š˜Άœε˜\Nero ImageDrive.lnk" "%NeroProfile%"
MOVE /Y "%NeroProfile%\„« ΅β«œ\Nero CoverDesigner.lnk" "%NeroProfile%"
MOVE /Y "%NeroProfile%\”૦š¨˜­ε˜ ΅˜ ™ε¤«œ¦\Nero Recode.lnk" "%NeroProfile%"

RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\›œ›¦£β¤˜"
RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\„š®œ ¨ε› ˜"
RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\„¨š˜Άœε˜"
RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\„« ΅β«œ"
RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\㮦"
RD /S /Q "%NeroProfile%\”૦š¨˜­ε˜ ΅˜ ™ε¤«œ¦"

DEL "%NeroProfile%\Nero ProductSetup.lnk"
DEL "%NeroProfile%\Nero Scout.lnk"


The weird characters are Greek named folders, that had to be named like this to be understood by DOS. Rename them to suite your folder structure.


I followed your directions except I made a few modifications:

1) I kept the CD/DVD Burning Plugin

2) I deleted the folders that corresponded to the features I didn't want, more specifically:

*all folder names have [FILELOCATION] in front of them; this is the step after making the administrative install

Nero Home

Nero WaveEditor


Nero 3D

Nero BackItUp

Nero CD-DVD Speed

Nero CoverDesigner

Nero ImageDrive

Nero MediaHome

Nero PhotoSnap

Nero Recode

Nero ShowTime

Nero SoundTrax

Nero SmartStart

Nero Vision

After that, I attempted the install and noticed that it asked for only four files that I had deleted:

[FILELOCATION]Nero Vision\NT\GCCapture.ax


[FILELOCATION]Nero Vision\NT\GCCore.dll

[FILELOCATION]Nero CoverDesigner\CoverEdCtrl.ocx

I imagine that if you keep these files, you'll be able to install Nero 7 without a hitch.

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