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Windows Vista Certification - Is it worth it?


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My question regards obtaining certification for Windows Vista.

I’m particularly interested in comments from people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area since our economy seems to be more depressed related to I/T.

1. Do you think Vista certification will actually open any doors. My experience is that

most employers don’t understand what a certification is or what is involved in getting it.

2. Has anyone priced the cost of the classes and what is the “graduation” rate. I’ve been bit in the past and wanted some feedback from other people.

Bottom Line: I’ve know other people who have put in the time and money to obtain MS certifications, just to get laid off anyway. Will Vista certification really help in a Dallas/Ft. Worth economy?


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for a competent IT manager, a certification lets him know that you are willing to keep learning about new software and hardware as it comes out, as of right now there are now MCP classes for Vista, i wouldn't take any classes that weren't for a MS certification. Bottem line, unless you can prove your worth to your employer doesn't matter if you have your MCSE and are a MVP you can still get fired.

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