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Posted (edited)

Howto: Create Roxio EMC 8 silent install.

You must open/edit the "Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 Suite.msi" using a Windows Installer editor such as InstallShield or WISE Package Studio. In this reference I am using InstallShield 11.5 Premiere.

1st. Go to "Property Manager".

2nd. Locate the property "ROX_KEYTEXT", enter your serial number for the value in the format "XX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX". *(excluding the double-quotes)

3rd. Locate the property "AgreeToLicense", set the value to "Yes".

4th. *****SAVE***** the changes to the .MSI. *****Do Not recompile the .msi*****.

5th. Finally, you can now run the install silently using the command-line parameters "Setup.exe /qb".

*NOTE* Use Windows Installer command-line switches to the "Setup.exe" file.

*Additionally, you can also patch the .MSI with the latest update(8.0.5) using "msiexec.exe /p c:\Easy Media Creator 8.msp /a c:\Easy Media Creator 8.msi /qb" after downloading the executable and performing an administrative install to get the .msp file.


Edited by rafyel
  • 3 months later...

But then how does one get rid of the "Language" prompt and select individual packages rathern then installing the entire thing :)

I take it you are trying to install Roxio Media Suite 9

You have to edit the MSI file under the "LaunchCondition" there is an entry called "installerdir", if you delete this condition you can run the install from the MSi file and use all the normal msi switches (/qb!- and reboot=reallysuppress).

All the other settings can be found under "Property" settings like do not install google toolbar, acceppt eula and cd key.


Harjman is right, you can delete this condition in the .MSI. Additionally, you can set at the command-line using the "Roxio Easy Media Creator 9 Suite.msi" without making changes to the .MSI. As an example you do this by: "Roxio Easy Media Creator 9 Suite.msi INSTALLERDIR="C:\" ROX_KEYTEXT="XX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" /QB, etc. The only downside is you will not get the Roxio Home shortcut under the Programs Menu. I haven't yet figured out the Hidden property for the Language dialog when using "Setup.exe".



for EMC 9 I use "setup.exe /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress ROX_KEYTEXT="XX-XXXXX-9XXXX-XXXXX" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=GoogleToolbar,SightSpeed,MediaManager,MediaCapture,DivXCreator,PhotoSuite,VideoWave,AudioCapt


I install all components and nex I remove unnecessary components.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
for EMC 9 I use "setup.exe /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress ROX_KEYTEXT="XX-XXXXX-9XXXX-XXXXX" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=GoogleToolbar,SightSpeed,MediaManager,MediaCapture,DivXCreator,PhotoSuite,VideoWave,AudioCapt


I install all components and nex I remove unnecessary components.

Did you remove the Installerdir entry? because i tried your parameters but i got the language selection dialog instead...

EDIT: i remove it and all went fine. the only problem is that roxio central somehow didtn get installed so i cant use it to launch the other programs or to burn files within itself. thats bad. i dont know how is this happening with only the Installerdir entry removed...anyone with ideas? thanks. i really like the roxio central because of the integration of launching programs and burning in it...

BTW, its not the shortcut missing, the executables required were not installed. i checked this with my other machine and looking at the target file of the shortcut.

Edited by elajua

does anyone have an answer to that question ^^ ?

it is making mad. i dont understand how its possible to the installer to not install the Roxio central?? thanks. meanwhile im making more and more tests to the msi itself to see if something else works.


Hi all,

I am struggling with the Roxio Creator Plus - Dell Edition that came bundled with our corporate 400 pc purchase.

Running the setup.exe (appears to be Dell's bundled package) with the /q performs the silent install and automatically picks up the serial number and fills in the information fields correctly.

My question is how to satisfy the Roxio Product Registration screen that pops up on first run.

This contains a first name/last name/country/e-mail and check box to agree to the privacy policy.

We can use common information in these fields, but can it be auto completed or is this not an option?

Do you know of any switches or commands to auto fill in this info upon initial setup so that all 400 users won't have to go through this process?


you can try to see if there are registry entries or files in the installed folder (or common files folder) that hold the registration info so you can import them after your setup and never see the registration screen. just and idea. see if it works.

BTW, im still going crazy with the roxio central not being installed. anyone has figure this out? thanks.

Posted (edited)

Hi Guys,

Here's what I come up with and I need little help to fix this.

With the run command on windows startup menu I typed (it installs full program)

Path\setup.exe\ TRANSFORMS="0x0409.inf" ROX_KEYTEXT="XX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" /qn

but same command I use in unattended runonce it does not work. It installs only drag and drop.

I hope someone come up with something. No Language popup with this installation. tested.

Edited by raysmith
  • 3 months later...

So, you can use this setup.exe /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress ROX_KEYTEXT="XX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=GoogleToolbar,SightSpeed,VirtualDrive,MediaManager. I don't have "Select language" dialog box. I don't know why this still install Google Toolbar, but you can uninstal it. Just "run regsvr32 /u /s "%programfiles%\google\googletoolbar1.dll""


have you tried those switches on version 9? or was it version 8?

in version 9 the only setback is that the roxio central (the main interface for all applications and also to burn data) doesnt get installed. all programs worked fine separately but no the rocio central.

  • 2 months later...


Did you ever get the Roxio Dell install figgured out?

I have much the same issue where every new user is asked to register the product on first launch.

This information seems to be stored in the local user profile.

This will not work in our environment as we regularly delete user profiles (in a lab for instance)

This Install Piece is not much of an issue aw we will include this in our master image.

Thanks for any help

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