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Question and Potential Warning About SETUPMGR

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I spent last Saturday trying to test another unattended setup and had the same

prob again and again. The setup worked fine except that it wouldn't install the

optional sware (ie. Acrobat, Firefox, etc.) Tried it again and again, but it wouldn't

work. After setting up the initial user, SETUP would always report it couldn't find

the RUNONCE script every time.

I'd seen this problem bef, but never really fixed it. I just found it ! Every

time I edit the answer file w/ SETUPMGR, it always turns off "OEMPreinstall" I

tried it w/ a file that I KNOW had the correct setting and sure enuf, upon writing a

fresh answer file, OEMPreinstall is set to NO !

The SETUPMGR executable is version: 5.1.2600.1106. Perhaps I have a buggy

copy of the util ? Regardless, I thought I'd post something about this, since I didn't

see a specific ref to it in the MSFN Unattended PDF. It mentions that it's nec to

enable OEMPreinstall, but not that SETUPMGR potentially breaks an answer file.

One hopes this warning will help a newbie from chasing his/her tail.


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The winnt.sif file created by Setup Manager is intended to be used on a floppy with a hologrammed CD. Since the hologrammed CD doesn't have the $OEM$ structure OEMPreinstall is not turned on. If you want to use OEMPreinstall you must tell Setup Manager to create an unattend.txt for a network install.

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