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Help with registry problem

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When I run this installation using vmware my General.reg will not import into the registry.




@ECHO off
title Adding Registry Keys

ECHO Unattended Installation Registry Addon
ECHO ----------------------------------------------

ECHO Adding Appearance Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Appearance.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Internet Security Zone Blocklist Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Blocklists.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Context-Menus Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Context-Menus.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Dekstop Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Desktop.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding General System Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\General.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Logon Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Logon.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding My Computer Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\My-Computer.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Network Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Network.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Outlook Express Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Outlook-Express.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Performance Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Performance.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Internet Software Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Software-Internet.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Software Other Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Software-Other.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Startmenu And Taskbar Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Startmenu-TaskBar.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding Startup and Shutdown Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Startup-Shutdown.reg
ECHO Complete!

ECHO Adding XP SP2 Tweaks
start /wait REGEDT32.EXE /S %systemdrive%\Install\Reg\Tweaks\Xp-Sp2.reg
ECHO Complete!



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;======================= GENERAL WINDOWS TWEAKS ===========================

; Disable ALL Balloon Tips

; Disable Windows Tour

; Show Detailed Information in Device Manager
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment]

; Set Keyboard Num-Lock to be ON by Default
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard]

; Remove Windows Alexa Spyware
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}]

; Remove Search Dog Assistant
"Use Search Asst"="no"

; Disable StickyKeys
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys]

; Set Power Scheme
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\3]

; Disable Windows File Protection
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

; Increase the USB Polling Interval

; Disable Built-In CD Burning

;Disable Error Reporting Service

Does any1 know why all my other registry tweaks are been applied at T-9 but this one registry tweak wont apply ? Thankyou in advanced. Any clues would be apreciated, its probably something I've missed.

Edited by zen62619
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Try removing General.reg from the top of your general.reg file

The top lines is to represent what the file is called, sorry my bad. I have found a few mistakes with UARegistryTweakageDOTNET0.4.1 but I will report them later. I found that

; Set Power Scheme
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy\3]

Should be

; Set Power Scheme
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg]

The power setting is been applied now. Still dont understand why its not applying the rest.

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Why not use just Regedit instead of start /wait REGEDT32.EXE?

Add some delay in the end and maybe somewhere in the middle just to be sure. There are a few ways to do this, for example by using ping or sleep.

Why do you use that many files?

I myself use one large file (6000+ lines) and a few small files for some extra apps.

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Why not use just Regedit instead of start /wait REGEDT32.EXE?

Add some delay in the end and maybe somewhere in the middle just to be sure. There are a few ways to do this, for example by using ping or sleep.

Why do you use that many files?

I myself use one large file (6000+ lines) and a few small files for some extra apps.

The reason why I use as many Reg files is because I personally find it better to find a registry key if I no what area it is, example Appearence has my appearence registry keys in, I personally don't find it practical to have 6000+ registry keys in one file. Thankyou for the help though.

I can see that when the batch file runs it does acctually launch the registry key but doesn't import them. There has been a few errors found but correctly but I am still gettin errors. Can HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ be imported at the T-9 stage ? ... Thankyou in advanced

Edited by zen62619
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There are positive and negative sides with both ways (few large files vs. many small files).

I find it easier to have a few large files, maybe because I've worked with my main file every now and then for approximately three years and therefore know it very well. It also results in a lot less files to update/add.

Don't you mean at T-12, not at T-9?!

Many .reg-settings can be imported at T-12, but not all. The settings imported at that stage will affect all users since they are applied to the default user profile.

Read the regtweaks section in the MSFN Unattended Guide.

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There are positive and negative sides with both ways (few large files vs. many small files).

I find it easier to have a few large files, maybe because I've worked with my main file every now and then for approximately three years and therefore know it very well. It also results in a lot less files to update/add.

Don't you mean at T-12, not at T-9?!

Many .reg-settings can be imported at T-12, but not all. The settings imported at that stage will affect all users since they are applied to the default user profile.

Read the regtweaks section in the MSFN Unattended Guide.

Ok, so from that conclusion when would i apply HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys, yes I ment T-12 sorry. Thanks

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DL that guide was it wrote by you ? Just got home from work and I must say whoever wrote it (Submitted by Vadikan), excellent explination. From the guide for the Registry The keys now have worked. Thanks

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This problem has been solved, while reading the guide as DL mentioned. Also I have intergrated my registry keys like HKLM / HKCU / HKCR into one batch file for each, so I now only have 3 batch files that run the specific keys at specific times. Doing it this way did reduce the amount of files I had to edit, which saves time alittle. Well done all.

Edited by zen62619
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