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[Error] - Cant install Java

tal ormanda

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You can verify that the MSI engine is not the issue by running the command "msiexec /regserver" and checking your event logs to make sure the engine and service started correctly (or not). If you run "msiexec /regserver" without errors and still cannot install Java, it's the package itself.

Also, have you checked your event logs after attempting the installation to see what happened, if any errors were logged? You can also turn on MSI logging in Windows XP to get a detailed log when installing an MSI application by editing your registry as follows:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer

Value: Logging

Type: REG_SZ

Data: voicewarmup

Add the above registry value, and you will now get detailed logging when installing an .msi package. The log will be named msi*.log (where * will be a random number), and will be located in your %temp% directory.

Edited by cluberti
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1. Open a command prompt, and type the following command:

msiexec /regserver

2. Press the Enter key to execute the command.

3. Reboot

4. Add the following registry value to your registry using regedit.exe:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer

Value: Logging

Type: REG_SZ

Data: voicewarmup

5. Start installing Java on your machine - it should still fail.

6. Open Windows Explorer, and type the following in the address bar:


7. Click the "Go" button or press the Enter key to continue.

8. Open the new "msi*.log" file that was created (where * will be a random number). Copy and paste the contents of this file here, and we can have a look and see what happened :).

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I'd suggest getting more familiar with your system before fiddling with the registry, as it sounds like you are in unfamiliar territory here. For now, simply copy and paste the following text into a new text file on your computer, rename the new text file to msilogging.reg, and double-click the file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


This will add the appropriate registry entries as per step 4 into your computer's registry.

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