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Power users and printers

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Some of you may have seen the problem with unattended installs, that if you make the average user a poweruser they cannot install printers without the wizard (which means no unattended install of printers). This is a problem for lots of reasons, but it's unfortunately by Micro$oft design.

Anyway, I trawled through pages here on MSFN for a solution and although I did see some ideas - none of them were really a clean way to do things. I've finally found a way of doing it nice and clean - you'll forgive me if it's already been posted before.

OK, so here's what I did....

1. Download and install this package from Micro$oft website (it's admin tools for Win2003 server)

2. Copy the file ntrights.exe to a folder on your unattended CD. I put mine in %windir%.

3. Use either a firstrun reg key or cmd file to do the following....

%windir%\ntrights.exe -u "Power Users" +r SeLoadDriverPrivilege

This will add the power users group for the Load / Unload Drivers local security property. And thats all you gotta do. Like I said, I saw lots of reg hacks and suchlike, but was never sure if they were 100%. We've tested this solution and it works perfectly (even with Novells NDPS which also failed due to rights).

Hope this helps someone,


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