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Need clarification> explorer.exe,shell32, etc


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My posts are too long winded, so I'll try and simplify :blushing:

I have XP Pro w/ SP2 updates current a few days ago.

I have used Stylebuilder and StyleXP creating my own theme.

I used Reshacker for my logon screen. Everything works fine, and i want to move on.

-- When clicking the START button, and when that window opens, I would like to change the far left picture that says "Windows XP Professional"

-- Also, Ive seen where the 'white background' of that window has been replaced with a picture, I would like to do that also, or at the least, change the color from white.

-- And Oddly, In my windows folder i have explorer.exe AND explorer(2).exe

I personally have not copied/pasted any files in this folder. This is all a fresh reboot and install a few days old, so everything is pretty neat and tidy. So It seems odd.

I also notice in my system32 folder theres a Shell32.dll and a shell32(3).dll

To change explorer bitmaps, ive read in these forums so many locations to change them... Shell32.dll explorer.exe etc etc

And they all seem to have almost all the same bitmaps.

Can I use reshacker to change individual items for explorer bitmaps (icons for instance) just like i did for the logon screen? And if so, how do I know which files to 'hack'? Shell 32, explorer.exe) since they seem to have the same bitmaps??

Just confused, I'd hate to change bitmaps in 3 different folder before finding the right one!

I'm not great at scripts or any code type implementations, i would prefer just using a program to replace files with ones i created.

Thanks for any help!


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