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Can you map out files in a folder


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I basically have a lot of files in a folder on my desktop. I wish to take all the document names and create a word document out of them, a sort of map saying here are all the files under this folder. Is their a program that can do that without me having to type all 300 document names by hand?

Here's an example of what i'm talkin about:

Yosemite - Folder

- Yosemite - Folder

-- ndmi – JPG

-- mapping - PowerPoint

The above basically says, their is a Yosemite folder, inside that folder is another Yosemite folder, and inside that folder is an ndmi jpeg and a mapping powerpoint.

I basically need a program that can do the above. HELP!

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The command line is your friend... :P

You can easily generate a text file that will display the contents of all the folders.

Navigate to the selected folder in the command line and type in:

dir /b /s > C:\list.txt

You'll get a file in the C:\ directory with a listing of all the files. It might be a bit lengthy since that will also list the full path to the files. For example... here's the My Documents folder from my work:

C:\Documents and Settings\ngeraedts\My Documents\My Pictures

C:\Documents and Settings\ngeraedts\My Documents\Vocal Edition Volume 01 (Unreleased).mp3

C:\Documents and Settings\ngeraedts\My Documents\My Pictures\Sample.jpg

You can use a mass renaming/text editing tool to remove the inital path (C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Desktop\) after that though, or I'm sure that someone would be able to write up a batch file for you.
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