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[C++] Conditional DLL Loading

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I have this application I am developing to run on both WinXP Embedded and WinXP Pro and it uses the EWF functionality of WinXP Embedded. When it runs on XPe I need the ewfapi.dll loaded, but when I run on XPpro, it won't run because the dll is not there. Is there a way to keep the dll from trying to load when the app runs on XPpro so that the application will still run without the EWF functionality?


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Well I figured this one out using the LoadLibrary() function and checking to see if it was NULL. :D

Seems whenever I post a question to a forum, even though I've spend hours trying to find the answer beforehand, I find the answer elsewhere within an hour or two of my post and before anyone can reply to my post with an answer. :}

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