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On which computer is the user logged on

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  • 3 years later...

I was looking for this information, and found it in this thread, now I have made this:

QUICKGUIDE to connect or find the computer a user is logged on to:

1) Create a share with read/write-permissions for authenticated users

2) add following 2 lines to logon.bat (or whatever you call your logonfile)

del \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@*.*

echo mstsc /v:%computername% >> \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@%computername%-RemoteDesktop.bat

OR you can change line 2 to whatever you like, or even add more lines like:

del \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@*.*

echo %username%´s last logon was at %computername %date% %time% etc.etc.>> \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@%computername%-lastlogon.log

echo vncviewer %computername% >> \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@%computername%-VNC-viewer.bat

echo mstsc /v:%computername% >> \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@%computername%-RemoteDesktop.bat

echo \\%computername% >> \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\%username%@%computername%-Browser.bat

3) create a shortcut to \\Server\AdminLogPath$\RemoteUser\ at your desktop

4) Whenever you need access to a users computer, just open the shortcut and sort or search in the folder after your needs.

example: doubleclick JohnDoe@PC123456-VNC-viewer.bat to give som remotesupport (of course you need VNC-viewer on both sides first)


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He peoples,

I have a small problem / question, I want to see on which computer(name) a user logged on.

I´ve searched every where but I didn´t find a thing. The only thing that I found was: nbtstat but that´s reverse. with this commando you search on computername and then you see the user, that´s not what I want.

Hopefully can someone here help me out.



Put the following code into a batch file. You can add it to your logon script if you like. It will create a txt file named after the user. Inside it will be a list of every computer that person has logged onto since the script was first executed. If you like you could add a time command which will tell you what time each user logged onto each computer. This example will create a document for every user but you can have every user in the same document if you like.

echo %computername% >> %username%.txt

That's pretty much what the event viewer does, and it does it automatically and includes other information as well...

You can view the logs by opening eventvwr.exe and opening the security log

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