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I did a quick little search and did not find anything concerning this. Everybody knows that you can change the color of any of your text by highlighting it and going to the color tab and selecting the colors there (Blue, Red, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Gray, and Green). Did you know that there are more colors you can choose from? Here is what you do:

1) Select the text that you want to change the color of.

2) Select a color from the drop-down menu, it doesn't matter which one since we will change it in a minute. I've selected blue, now the text will now have this around it


where the "horse" is your text. The end result looks like this: horse.

3) To change the color all you have to do is change the value where it says


To change it to gold you would replace blue with gold. It would then look like this


Your end result looks like this: horse.

There ya go! Here is a complete list of all the colors you can use:

Aliceblue horse

Antiquewhite horse

Aqua horse

Aquamarine horse

Azure horse

Beige horse

Bisque horse

Black horse

Blanchedalmond horse

Blue horse

Blueviolet horse

Brown horse

Burlywood horse

Cadetblue horse

Chartreuse horse

Chocolate horse

Coral horse

Cornflowerblue horse

Cornsilk horse

Crimson horse

Cyan horse

Darkblue horse

Darkcyan horse

Darkgoldenrod horse

Darkgray horse

Darkgreen horse

Darkkhaki horse

Darkmagenta horse

Darkolivegreen horse

Darkorange horse

Darkorchid horse

Darkred horse

Darksalmon horse

Darkseagreen horse

Darkslateblue horse

Darkslategray horse

Darkturquoise horse

Darkviolet horse

Deeppink horse

Deepskyblue horse

Dimgray horse

Dodgerblue horse

Firebrick horse

Floralwhite horse

Forestgreen horse

Fuchsia horse

Gainsboro horse

Ghostwhite horse

Gold horse

Goldenrod horse

Gray horse

Green horse

Greenyellow horse

Honeydew horse

Hotpink horse

Indianred horse

Indigo horse

Ivory horse

Khaki horse

Lavender horse

Lavenderblush horse

Lawngreen horse

Lemonchiffon horse

Lightblue horse

Lightcoral horse

Lightcyan horse

Lightgoldenrodyellow horse

Lightgreen horse

Lightgrey horse

Lightpink horse

Lightsalmon horse

Lightseagreen horse

Lightskyblue horse

Lightslategray horse

Lightsteelblue horse

Lightyellow horse

Lime horse

Limegreen horse

Linen horse

Magenta horse

Maroon horse

Mediumaquamarine horse

Mediumblue horse

Mediumorchid horse

Mediumpurple horse

Mediumseagreen horse

Mediumslateblue horse

Mediumspringgreen horse

Mediumturquoise horse

Mediumvioletred horse

Midnightblue horse

Mintcream horse

Mistyrose horse

Moccasin horse

Navajowhite horse

Navy horse

Oldlace horse

Olive horse

Olivedrab horse

Orange horse

Orangered horse

Orchid horse

Palegoldenrod horse

Palegreen horse

Paleturquoise horse

Palevioletred horse

Papayawhip horse

Peachpuff horse

Peru horse

Pink horse

Plum horse

Powderblue horse

Purple horse

Red horse

Rosybrown horse

Royalblue horse

Saddlebrown horse

Salmon horse

Sandybrown horse

Seagreen horse

Seashell horse

Sienna horse

Silver horse

Skyblue horse

Slateblue horse

Slategray horse

Snow horse

Springgreen horse

Steelblue horse

Tan horse

Teal horse

Thistle horse

Tomato horse

Turquoise horse

Violet horse

Wheat horse

White horse

Whitesmoke horse

Yellow horse

YellowGreen horse

Finally done...I know that some of the colors are hard to see. So you can refer to this link to see some of the colors more clearly. I think that it is best to see them against the MSFN background since that is where you will most likely be using them. Enjoy!

Edited by TheBlackMan
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If I'm not mistaken you can just use hex codes. The board simply drops the colour you give it into a font tag. So you can do like FF0000. Also there are a lot of words that seem to be proper colours, but are really just being used as hex codes (any non-hex characters get changed to 0). Like FAILED is the same as FA00ED.

[edit] Ah, apparently it uses a span with some CSS. Non-hex numbers don't seem to work though. (FAILED just comes out black.)

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