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Eeeck!! What's this big edit box about? Something tells me that this is a text box for the post message :unsure: ... Commander Data, please analize this antiquated device in order to find that out... :o

Stellar Date 12345678910:

Dear earthlings, i'm sure you got bored to lose a lot of time to configure all those fresh windows 2003 installations.

That's why I, captain of the windows 2003 enterprise edition starship :huh: , negotiated with the microborgs :ph34r: for a simpler way to configure your fresh install automatically.

All the scripts are made with AutoIT (you can find it easily using google)

You can make executables from those scripts by saving them as .au3, right clicking the saved files and using the Compile script function (naturally you must install AutoIT in order to have that function appear)

Here they are:

This is to set audio acceleration to maximum

Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\system32\mmsys.cpl")
; Change in the following line the "Proprietà - Suoni" string with the title of the sound properties dialog
WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Suoni")
; Change in the following line the "z" with the keyboard shortcut key for the "Advanced" button in the sound properties dialog

This is to set video acceleration to maximum

Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\system32\desk.cpl")
;Change this to display properties window name
WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Schermo")
;Change the "v" with the keyboard shortcut key for the advanced button in the resolution tab of display properties
Send("^{TAB}" & "^{TAB}" & "^{TAB}")

This is to APPLY A THEME (I use it for the royale theme (save the theme files in c:\windows\resources\themes before!)

AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)
RunWait("c:\windows\system32\net.exe start Themes")
Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\resources\themes\Royale.theme")
;Change this with the display properties window title
WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Schermo")

Here are also various interesting registry settings:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Disables CtrlAltDel for logon

;Enables audio service

;Enables themes service

;Disables the request of the shutdown reason
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Reliability]

;Restores image acquisition service

;Restores imapi (burning) service

I've also found a way to enable automatically directx acceleration but it's a bit messy, if somebody really needs it i'll post it.

  • 1 month later...

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