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Add hotfixes to RIS installation

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I´m working at a school with computers running windows 2000 installed with RIS.

I have now tried to add ie6 and hotfixes to the installation to make it better and more safe.

I added Ie6 in cmdlines.txt


".\ie60sp1\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n"

and that workes just fine.

Problem is that when i do the same with qXXXXXX.exe

".\updates\qXXXXXX.exe /q:a /r:n"

I have to log in as administrator to end the installation of the hotfix when the RIS setup has completed.

I tried to put the hotfix in svcpack, changing the dosnet.inf but I ended up with the same problem..

Are there any ways I could get past this problem?

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If u want to this kind of stuff I personally prefer the way of adding them to:

Create a directory below the <image-name>\i386\ named Svcpack. add ur hotfixes into this directory (needs to be extracted). Also create or edit ur svcpack.inf file in the i386 directory, edit ur dosnet.inf to relfect the changes.

A better tutorial might be:


Hopes it solves it for u...

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Couldn't you set it up to logon as Administrator once, then have a script to reboot the computer once it's logged on...the effect, at least the way I'm seeing it, would be that the image would load, install the hotfixes, autologon Administrator, then run a batch file that has a shutdown command in it to reboot...sounds good?

BTW, I really don't understand what you mean by you have to logon...so setup installs, then installs the service pack...and then shouldn't it reboot, allowing you to decide which user to run?

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Overkill example:

First.. script an RIS installation using vbscript for example. Easiest done by using sysocmgr.exe (with switches for the RIS feature) to the installation. Once it is installed, script risetup.exe /auto <answer.inf> to pinpoint the installation source files. After this... perform any modifications to the installation (such as specifying a custom .sif file, building $OEM$ folders and so on)..

Oki.. so now u can script an entire RIS installation to work unattended! So how to get around the problem of having to logon as local admin or domain admin to perform updates?

well, wrapp your scripted installation files and any required files into an .msi package, assign AD GPO to install .msi with elivated priviliges and the even system (NT_Authority\System) can run the installation. Any updates to the RIS installation can then be handled using .msp's to the original .msi file.

hardest thing is to trick the NetServices object in AD to authorizing the RIS in DHCP wihtout Enterprise / Domain Admin permissions..

for example...

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