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Extra little bits to complete my cd (Long)


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Well, as everyone knows, a cd is never finished! But there are a few things I want to ask to get mine as close as possible to what I want it to be like.

First, to clear up a few problems with programs -

.net framework. This runs, but not silently, according to the /? from dos, it says the silent install is /Q, so, I added that, and it doesn't work.

Suns' Java... No matter what I try, its never silent!

Perfect Disk - This, is a strange one (for me). Did the iss file trick, and now it is only click next a few times, but i dont have to enter any info.

Any ideas on these programs?

Nero installs fine (now, anyway). But it moans about only being a demo and that the key has expired. NEVER had this problem installing nero manually, only now, and it also moans about cannot be run in this language, and I am thinking its something to do with the commands i have for installing it -

ECHO Installing Nero 6 Ultra
ECHO Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Nero\Setup.exe /silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=***KEY*** /write_sn
REGEDIT /s neroreg.reg


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Removes the Nero Filter Check From startup

It reinstalled fine after an uninstall and reboot. By the way, this is the only method I have gotten to even get it silently installing.

Winamp. Will anyone ever find something to install this program!!?? I have tried lots of stuff on these forums, including an autoit script. But even that gives an error! Is there someway to just copy the files across, and if needed, write some reg keys? This is version 2.81 btw, dont ask why! I like this one the best.

Now for a MBM5 tip. I do not take credit for this, it was in another post somewhere, but I found a way to save your settings, so that with this below, and the next step, when you have reinstalled, all you have to do is reboot again, and mbm will start with windows, with your settings intact.

install.cmd -

ECHO Installing MBM 5360
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\MBM\mbm5360.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\MBM\MBMIO.EXE /s /32 /2 %systemroot%\system32
copy %systemdrive%\install\Applications\MBM\mbmiodrvr.sys %systemroot%\system32
start /wait REGEDIT /S mbm.reg

mbm.reg -

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







The original code was for a newer version. All I did for that part was change the setup filename, and make sure the directories etc were correct for my setup.

What I did next, was create another batch command file, which will be started when the first one ends (start install2.cmd at the end, before 'exit') and in that one, i put this:

ECHO Setting Up Motherboard Monitor For First Run
copy %systemdrive%\install\Applications\MBM\Data\*.* "%programfiles%\Motherboard Monitor 5\Data"

just copy your data folder from your mbm directory to the folder for mbm on your cd/dvd, and there you go. Then as I said before, reboot, and it should all be waiting for you. You don't have to use a second install command file, thats just me and neatness, helps me split up the important stuff like .net wmp9 etc, and then different programs in the next one, and stuff like moving files about. Does anyone know how to make the batch file wait for a certain amount of sceonds before moving onto the next line?

Hope you can help with my problems!


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For your SunJRE and .NET installs, check out the re-packed installer hosted by RyanVM.

He has it re-packed and made such that no switches need to be passed - just run the EXE and that's it - totally silent install.

For winamp, the code you need is this:

start /wait %something%\whatever_path\winamp281.exe /S
taskkill /f /im winamp.exe

That's it - those 2 lines of code will do. And note the capital "/S" in winamp's switch.

To make a batch-file wait for specified time, you can use "sleep.exe". Usage:

sleep 10

That is, tell it how many seconds you want it to sleep (or wait, in other words). The code chunk in usage example above, will make your batch-file pause for 10 seconds before moving on. Download sleep.exe from this page

Nero, now that's a topic been discussed a number of times. Please search the forums for more info about it. Really, repeating the same thing again is boring! ;)

As for perfect-disk, that should be possible too, someone else might come along who knows about it. Or search the forum, and you might get your answer.

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