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reg tweaks questions

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Ok, I have been a lurker at this board for some time, as it is a brilliant resource for windows goodies! :thumbup

Anyway, I decided I should finally register and ask some questions I have been unable to find the answers to on Google...

Firstly, why do some of the tweaks only reference the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] while others reference [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] and [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] ? For example:

;----- Show protected operating system files




Would this tweak also need to reference the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] as well? Or do the tweaks actually only need to reference the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE], which will override the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] anyway?


Ok, now for specific reg tweaks..

The following are related to explorer. Basically I want to know what these particular values do. These have been taken directly from the Reg Tweaks sticky latest zip file.










And the last thing...

this reg file:








and this reg file:







do they not do the same thing? So I wouldn't need both in my combined reg file?

thanks to any who reads over these. Just trying to learn a little more about this subject. :wacko:


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Normally the system looks at HKCU then it looks at HKLM. So tweaks used for HKCU take precedence before HKLM.

Some tweaks are HKCU or HKLM, but not both.

If a tweak is also in HKLM, then you can use this tweak for system wide influence. And for just user, use HKCU, if exist.

Hope this helps alittle. :)

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