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7-zip self extracting setup not installing to path


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Hey guys


Been reading this thread and I think I am doing it all correctly with double \\ and after executing my extracter it keeps saying it cannot find the install path so its not extracting to the location I am specifying in the config.txt file:


Title="PaperCut & Printer Installer"
InstallPath="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PaperCut Installer"
BeginPrompt="Do you want to install the Papercut & Printer Installer?"
ExecuteFile="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PaperCut Installer\\PrinterVBS.vbs"


Anyone able to help please?


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Note that:
InstallPath =     %ProgramFiles% <== equivalent to "C:\Program Files" in 32 bit and "C:\Program Files (x86)" in 64 bit
InstallPath = x86:%ProgramFiles% <== equivalent to "C:\Program Files" in 32 bit
InstallPath = x64:%ProgramW6432% <== equivalent to "C:\Program Files" in 64 bit

x86: will only execute on 32bit
x64: will only execute on 64bit
%%T variable is equal to the InstallPath

So you could try:

1 - If you choose to use "C:\Program Files" in 32 bit and "C:\Program Files (x86)" in 64 bit:

Title="PaperCut & Printer Installer"
InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\PaperCut Installer"
BeginPrompt="Do you want to install the Papercut & Printer Installer?"
RunProgram="cscript %%T\\PrinterVBS.vbs"

2 - Or, If you choose to use "C:\Program Files" in 32 bit and also "C:\Program Files" in 64 bit:

Title="PaperCut & Printer Installer"
InstallPath="x64:%ProgramW6432%\\PaperCut Installer"
InstallPath="x86:%ProgramFiles%\\PaperCut Installer"
BeginPrompt="Do you want to install the Papercut & Printer Installer?"
RunProgram="cscript %%T\\PrinterVBS.vbs"

Try and check if it works

Edited by SunLion
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