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unattended Windows customization

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this is not exactly about unattended Windows installation, but rather about unattended Windows configuration

so I am looking for a way to automatically configure a Windows installation with one click

this click should perform all the prefered configurations in every Windows installation I run it

configurations should include every possible one, like "move cursor to the default button", "move deleted file to recycly bin without confirmation", "specify recycle bin size as maximum possible", "view all folder content as list", and so on

is there any solution for this?

it will save much time and will offer great convenience


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You could try regshot (if your tweak/configuration settings are stored in registry) or installrite:

- You'll need prepare a clean windows install

- launch regshot or/and installrite and do their first shot

- then configure and tweak you install to your liking

- take the second shot and do the comparison.

Regshot will need that you do the rest of the job and installrite will do it for you.

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You could try regshot (if your tweak/configuration settings are stored in registry) or installrite:

- You'll need prepare a clean windows install

- launch regshot or/and installrite and do their first shot

- then configure and tweak you install to your liking

- take the second shot and do the comparison.

Regshot will need that you do the rest of the job and installrite will do it for you.

is every option stored in the registry?

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