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My silent install of Adobe CS4 occasionally skips Photoshop?

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I have recently succeeded in doing an unattended install of Adobe CS4 suite with updates. I have noticed that everything works fine including the updates, but occasionally Photoshop doesn't install it's really strange.

I create the install. file by doing setup --record=1 , I ensured that everything is selected (including Photoshop), yet occasionally Photoshop doesn't install but everything else does.

Here is the script I am using to install the CS4 suite (including the updates)

cd /d %~dp0

echo Adobe CS4 - installation > CS4Install-report.txt

echo - start install at: >> CS4Install-report.txt

time /t >> CS4Install-report.txt

start /wait Setup --mode=Silent --deploymentFile="Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium.install.xml"

echo - end install and start update time at: >> CS4Install-report.txt

time /t >> CS4Install-report.txt

start /wait "update AcrobatPro9.10" msiexec /p "Updates\acrobat9pro-EFG\AcroProStdUpd910_T1T2_incr.msp" /qn

start /wait "update AcrobatPro9.12" msiexec /p "Updates\acrobat9pro-EFG\AcrobatUpd912_all_incr.msp" /qn

start /wait "update AcrobatPro9.20" msiexec /p "Updates\acrobat9pro-EFG\AcrobatUpd920_all_incr.msp" /qn

start /wait "update Fireworks" "Updates\Fireworks-10.0.3-AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update Photoshop" "Updates\Photoshop_11.0.2_mul_AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AdobeDrive" "Updates\AdobeDrive_1.0.1_AdobeUpdate_2\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AdobeExtensionManager" "Updates\AdobeExtensionManager-2.1-mul-AdobeUpdate2\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AdobeCameraRaw" "Updates\AdobeCameraRaw-5.7-mul-AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AdobeOutputModule" "Updates\AdobeOutputModule-2.1-mul-AdobeUpdate_2\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AdobeVersionCue4All" "Updates\AdobeVersionCue4All_4.0.1_AdobeUpdate_2\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update AME" "Updates\AME_All_CS4.2_mul_AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update DeviceCentral" "Updates\DeviceCentral_2.1.1_mul_AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update Flash" "Updates\Flash-10.0.2-AdobeUpdate\Setup" --mode=silent

start /wait "update Soundbooth" "Updates\Soundbooth-2.0.1-786\Setup" --mode=silent

echo - end time at: >> CS4Install-report.txt

time /t >> CS4Install-report.txt

here is the Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium.install.xml file

Attached is the install.xml


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