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Run once in nlite

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i'm just starting out. but need some info

i want (setup.exe) in "I386\SVCPACK\office2007" to run at some point in the install of windows.

right now i have the office 2007 install as unattended using the OCT. so at this time i can just hit setup.exe and it will do the rest and the only thing i will have to do is close out the "install complete" window at the end.

my question is in nlite if i add the "runonce" command "%source%I386\SVCPACK\office2007\setup.exe" will it start it?

%source% means copy only right? so how do i run setup

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I think yes, help says %SOURCE% is CD/DVD drive letter I suppose is in the format x:\

I don't get what are you meaining with "copy only", it will run from source media.

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ya i dont know what i mean either .?

i'm installing windows right not - got a error "windows cannot load internet configuration library, ICFGNT.DLL. the following specified module could not be found" - looks like some other people are having this same problem and is due to RyanVM updates - but i installed xable's maybe its the same problem.

holy crap its installing office. :thumbup

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office installed fine how can i make it hit the the close button in the end? for the screen that says install complete?

using run once commands - if i dont do that the install will wait.

this is my batch file (cmd)

for /f "tokens=3" %%i IN ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v "SourcePath" ^| findstr "REG_SZ"') do set SOURCE=%%i



and why dosen't packs by xable appear on winupdateslist ?


Edited by southwest2118
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I don't know how your office installer works, but try setup.exe /? to see if there's swithches for silent or passive installing. And there's a specific office forum, you can try there.

Your last KB929399 entry is not necessary. Xable's packs probably don't appear because they are built this way.

.cat files are catalog files, and you rarely will need it for installing online anything, just to avoid some security dialog boxes. As long as you're using nLite, you can remove them with option for it.

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If you run "setup.exe /admin" you create an Admin-Install of Office 2007.

You generate an "mysetup.msp" which is copied to folder "Updates".

Office-Setup will read this file and execute the Setup like you wanted.

If there`s a last windows that don`t closes, you missed a setting.

I only got a german Office-Setup, but please run "setup.exe /admin" again,

load your pre-created .msp and check the settings:


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oh i see it.


i used Autoit to make a EXE file of Imageshack tool bar that will install it self.

i could problaly just drop this in the add-ons in nlite right?


FileInstall("imageshacktoolbar.msi", @TempDir & '\imageshacktoolbar.msi')
Run(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & @TempDir & '\imageshacktoolbar.msi"')
WinWaitActive("ImageShack Toolbar for Internet Explorer", "The installer")
WinWaitActive("ImageShack Toolbar for Internet Explorer", "Please take")
WinWaitActive("ImageShack Toolbar for Internet Explorer", "ImageShack Toolbar for Internet Explorer has been")
WinWaitActive("ImageShack® - Tdone - Windows Internet Explorer")
WinClose("ImageShack® - Tdone - Windows Internet Explorer")

Edited by southwest2118
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i used Autoit to make a EXE file of Imageshack tool bar that will install it self.

i could problaly just drop this in the add-ons in nlite right?

No, you got to build an addon first.

Search the forum for addon, addon-maker, createur

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sending the command

taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe

at any point after completion will end IE.

I'm not sure exactly where to go with detailed returns like

got a error.

Is it a problem with your exe running and terminating without executing all lines as desired, or is your exe hanging?

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sending the command

taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe

I'm not sure exactly where to go with detailed returns like

got a error.

i provided a picture :rolleyes: ... that i uploaded with Imageshack Toolbar now available at your local wal-mart for only $13.99.

how would i add "taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe"

in my svcpack.inf?

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