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Which unneeded services can be switched off?


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After installation of Windows 7 beta, I have about 44 services running.

Result; a lot of harddisk access and Windows 7 running slower then neccessary.

My XP installation had 19 services running and harddisk acces was much less because of that.

Now I have switched off some things like the indexing service, I have disabled the media center stuff, but was wondering if there are more services which can be disabled.

May be other users can add there experiences on this part of Windows 7 to this topic which can be helpfull for others?

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Okay, then I will start with the list of disabled services as I am using my Windows 7 beta now.

I do have a normal install, so no vlited installation or something like that.

Disabled services at the moment:

- function discovery provider host

- home group provider

- function discovery resource publication

- offline files

- server

- ssdp discovery

- uPnP device host

- superfetch

- windows search

- win http web proxy auto discovery

- computer browser

- dns client

- diagnostic policy services

- tcp/ip netbios helper

- distributed link tracking agent

- dhcp client

- ip helper

28 services running after boot, inclusive NVidia driver and AVG virusscanner services.

No unneeded harddisk access on background, no indexing etc... and performance about the same as XP.

Other people with more recommendations may be?

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Can you tell me how superfetch is working to speedup Vista/Windows7?

In XP there is a prefetch function for that, but on my laptop the speed difference was not noticable, so I switched off that one.

Is superfetch doing the same, or is another setup used for it?


Okay, I know now. But I have read some topics about it and most vista users are talking negative about it.

A lot of harddisk access, consuming free memory, wrong files in memory etc...

example here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vis...-windows-vista/

I have switched it on for now to see/feel the difference and decide after a few days what to do with the superfetch service.

But, thanks for pointing me to the superfetch service ;)

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Okay; here the result.

After two days of testing with superfetch on, today I disabled the superfetch service and cleaned the prefetch folder.

After that I did a reboot and from that moment I started again as usual to see/feel the difference.

And to be honoust, on my laptop there is no difference at all.

Programs which are once started, are kept in memory with or without superfetch, so except of 'cold start' there is no difference at all.

And for a cold start, the difference is hardly noticable on my system.

I think it is good to test it yourself and see/feel the difference before you decide what to do.

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If you have plenty of RAM (say 2 or more GB) superfetch will work very well.

I have made tests with only 1gb and the application launch times are not noticeable. But with 2 or more GB the speed change is considerable enough to notice it.

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SetteMaxer for Windows 7 is a freeware tool that can help you to optimize and solve problems in some fields of Windows 7 easily, instead of navigating on registry & services that causes time loss and possibly some mistakes (for beginner users only).

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Please do not spam my mailbox with programs I do not want ;)

Probably it will be usefull for users not knowing anything about the background of their operating system, I prefer to use the registereditor, my own reg files and not a program I do not know, and therefor do not trust....

About your message here in this topic; seems more like advertising your program then usefull additional information to me ;)

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Easy Windows XP Tweaks

- Turn off Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop

- Turn off Windows Automatic Updates

- Disable System Restore

- Set Your Virtual Memory To 1.5-3.0 Times Your Computer’s Memory

- Disable Windows Error Reporting

- Turn off Indexing Service

- Disable Hibernation

- Disable automatic search for network folders and printers

- Defragment your hard drive

- Check your hard drive for errors with Disk Check

Intermediate Windows XP Tweaks

- Turn off Windows Visual Effects:


* Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing

* Fade of slide menus into view

* Fade or slide ToolTips into view

* Fade out menu items after click

* Show window contents while dragging

* Slide open combo boxes

* Slide taskbar buttons

* Use a background image for each folder type

* Use common tasks in folder

- Delete unused fonts in the fonts folder

- Disable unused Windows sounds

Here’s a list of the sounds I didn’t disable:

* Critical Stop

* Default Beep

* Exclamation

- Uninstall unused Windows Components/Programs

- Set all of your ATAPI drives to DMA

- Disable unused devices in Device Manager

- Defragment your page file

Advanced Windows XP Tweaks

- Use MSConfig to disable any unnecessary startup items:

- Download TCP/IP Optimizer to enhance the internet connection

- Download and Install Cacheman to maximize performance of the caches

- Disable unused Windows XP services

- Disable These Services:

* Application Management

* Clipbook

* Computer Browser

* Error Reporting Service

* HID Input Service (Note: This service will disable the multimedia functions on many multimedia keyboards, so if you have a multimedia keyboard it is recommended that you do not disable this service)

* Indexing Service

* Net Logon

* NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

* Network Location Awareness (NLA)

* Network Provisioning Service

* Portable Media Serial Number Service


* Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

* Remote Registry

* Secondary Logon (If you only have one user on your computer)

* TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service

* Telnet

* Uninterruptable Power Supply

* WebClient

* Windows Time

* WMI Performance Adapter

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Search and visual effect of Windows 7 is very good, any drivers problem has not found (using driverpack.net driver packs); but it's performance equal to XP and some programs not working in Windows 7 beta. I personally prefer xp to windows 7 beta.

7 Registry Tweaks to Enhance the Performance of Windows XP. Can use these tweaks for Windows 7?

1.) Reduce the System Shutdown Time

2.) Faster Menus

3.) Disable CD AutoPlay

4.) Disable startup programs

6.) Reduce the waiting time for Chkdsk to check your drive at system startup

7.) Hide Desktop Icons


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