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I'll be building a new multi-xp/repair disc soon now that SP3 is as good as here. So I'd also like to add some newer repair tools.

I really like Parted Magic and would like to have it as a menu option but can't figure out how the hell to get it working with CDShell. I know there's an isolinux option you can use from CDShell (and this would be the only util using it) but I've tried placing the iso-extracted files in a few different places and just can't get the program to run when called from CDShell. Can anyone who knows their way around cdshell and isolinux help me out here?

I'll be building a new multi-xp/repair disc soon now that SP3 is as good as here. So I'd also like to add some newer repair tools.

I really like Parted Magic and would like to have it as a menu option but can't figure out how the hell to get it working with CDShell. I know there's an isolinux option you can use from CDShell (and this would be the only util using it) but I've tried placing the iso-extracted files in a few different places and just can't get the program to run when called from CDShell. Can anyone who knows their way around cdshell and isolinux help me out here?

i've been trying the same thing. been using BCDW through Nuno's UXP project, which works, but i would perfer to use CDShell. Supposedly they can be used together, but i've had no luck. I'm also trying to add Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to my disc, but that would include multiple isolinux boot options....


Before I start I'd like to point out that CDShell ceased development in 2005 and the version of isolinux contain there in is seriously out of date.

Your correct about using the isolinux command but your going to have to write a command for each option in the /isolinux.cfg from Parted Magic and any additional commands for troubleshooting (see F1 help menu or /pmagic/message*.txt).

You'll need to take the kernel and append lines from each menu option in the /isolinux.cfg, merge them and append the isolinux boot command from CDShell.

Here's an example:

* Default boot option from /isolinux.cfg. I've highlighted the kernel and append lines in italic.

LABEL normal

MENU LABEL ^1. Default settings (Runs from RAM / Ejects CD)


* version: 2.0, © 2008, Patrick Verner

* http://www.partedmagic.com

* Disclaimer: Author excluded from any liability.


KERNEL /pmagic/bzImage

APPEND noapic initrd=/pmagic/initrd root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=200000 pmodules=/pmagic/pmodules squashfs=/pmagic/pmagic keymap=us livecd vga=791 quiet toram

* Adapted CDShell menu command. The F1 key just serves as an example.

if $lastKey == key[f1]; then isolinux /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/pmagic/initrd root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=200000 pmodules=/pmagic/pmodules squashfs=/pmagic/pmagic keymap=us multiboot vga=791 quiet toram

Note! You will need to replace the 'livecd' init command with 'multiboot' (as marked in bold) or init will fail. You may want to read my post here as well.


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the help kof94. It works a treat.

I know CDShell probably isn't the best solution these days, but it's what I used to build my initial multiboot disc and I have everything else working fine with it. In time I'll switch over to isolinux but for now I didn't feel like it for the sake of one program.

Is there any way to update the isolinux.csm file that cdshell uses? I was trying some stuff out initially (pasting a newer isolinux module into isolinux.csm in a hex editor) but I'm not sure I got it all right. I remember getting something about an image checksum error.

Edited by Protocol7
  • 2 weeks later...

There is some info in the docs on the CDShell site about creating modules but when I read it I do remember thinking that it was quite involved.

  • 1 year later...

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