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Registry file for silent install winzip 11.2.8094 ? (Not the key !

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Posted (edited)

I dont mean to get a key, I have that already, I need help with the reg file...

I managed to do the silent install of winzip 11.2.8094 (same procedure as before), but has anyone managed to do a .reg file to put in your license key via silent install ?

It worked fine with 11.1.7466 but not with the newest version :(

Edited by kentk

Posted (edited)

Do you have the rights at that point of install to write into HKLM. Or, err do you try into HKCU in very early stage? Where is the .reg information filed in the registry wenn the newest Winzip is installed?

Also important is: It may check also the directories pointed by %userprofile% or %appdata%

Please tell us also which Windows you use.

Hint: I use WinRAR and 7Zip (no need for the tool you use)

Edited by ChrisKuhli
I dont mean to get a key, I have that already, I need help with the reg file...

I managed to do the silent install of winzip 11.2.8094 (same procedure as before), but has anyone managed to do a .reg file to put in your license key via silent install ?

It worked fine with 11.1.7466 but not with the newest version :(

For automated registration, install, register and backup the file

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\WinZip\WinZip.sureg

Batch file:

@echo off
start /wait msiexec.exe /i WINZIP112.MSI INST_QKPICK=0 /qb! /norestart
copy .\WinZip.sureg "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\WinZip" /y
start /wait regedit.exe /s settings.reg

For settings check this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\

Works lika a charm :)

But how do I disable tip from opening up first time ?

Disable tips on startup:

 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip\winzip]

Bonus: disable update check

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip\UpdateCheck]


One tiny question more ;)....

I install my winzip unattended during my vista install, but the registry setting does not seem to be set in all users !?

I am not sure which user is active during installation of vista ? is it not the administrator ?

Is there a way to have the registry settings to be over all users ?

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