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Autoit + WIWW can't manipulate shortcuts


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I'm trying to silently install TweakUI (XP Powertoys) by using an AutoIt script and using the Windows Installer Wrapper Wizard (WIWW) to turn that into an MSI.

The AutoIt script for installing TweakUI always works fine.

Then it should move the shortcuts around. I've tried scripting it inside AutoIt and by calling a CMD script. Both work fine until I use WIWW. I even put in a 10s delay between the install and the shortcut manupulation. It seems the shortcuts are locked until WIWW finishes.

WinWaitActive("Microsoft Powertoys for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Setup", "&Next >")

; Check for a \Accessories\Utilities
; and create it if necessary
;If Not FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities") Then
; DirCreate (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities")

; Check for shortcut
; and copy it to utilities.
;If FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk") Then
; Filecopy(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk", @ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities")

; Check for shortcut folder
; and delete it
;If FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP") Then
; DirRemove(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP",1)

; Linked CMD script to replace above shortcut manipulation.
; Timing experimenting to solve.


if not exist "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Utilities" (goto createUtilitiesFolder) else (goto checkPowertoysShortcut)

md "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Utilities"

if exist "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk" (goto movePowertoysShortcut) else (goto checkPowertoysShortcutFolder)

move "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk" "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Utilities"

if exist "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Powertoys for Windows XP" (goto deletePowertoysShortcutFolder) else (goto end)

rmdir "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Powertoys for Windows XP" /q /s


I guess I could put the CMD script in RunOnce but that doesn't seem ideal. I imagine I'm not the first person to come across this. I assume there's a file attribute I can change with AutoIt that will allow me do what I want.


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So long as the TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe process waits while the spawned msi process does the installation, then you can use the return of the process identification number (PID) from Run() to wait for the TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe process to close.

Changes made...

$pid = Run("TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe")
WinWaitActive("Microsoft Powertoys for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Setup", "&Next >")

; Check for a \Accessories\Utilities
; and create it if necessary
If Not FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities") Then
DirCreate (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities")

; Check for shortcut
; and copy it to utilities.
If FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk") Then
Filecopy(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP\Tweak UI.lnk", @ProgramsCommonDir & "\Accessories\Utilities")

; Check for shortcut folder
; and delete it
If FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP") Then
DirRemove(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\Powertoys for Windows XP", 1)

See if the above changes helps you.

Some advice: Waiting for each identified window during installation may make your script more reliable.


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So long as the TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe process waits while the spawned msi process does the installation, then you can use the return of the process identification number (PID) from Run() to wait for the TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe process to close.

Some advice: Waiting for each identified window during installation may make your script more reliable.

Worked first time. Thank you very much. I see exactly what you mean and have noticed it when reading other people's scripts. I'll definitely pay attention.

It's 5am on Friday night, I can't believe I just spent the past 12 hours figuring out silent installs.

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