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Can create a folder in Windows Explorer follows the way in Office prog

Christine L

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Create a folder in Windows Explorer involved Create Folder and Rename Folder (Windows will create a folder and default it's name to "New Folder", then we rename it)

Create a folder in Excel's Open Dialog Box involved Create Folder only (Excel will pop-up a Dialog for you to input the intended name of the new folder, then Windows create it)

Can create a folder in Windows Explorer follows the way in Office program?

It is because our network drive not allow Everyone Delete Folder permission, whenever anyone create a folder via Windows Explorer, the folder name will defaulted to "New Folder" and they are not able to rename it to the name they want (Rename Folder seems like requires Delete Folder permission), if they create a folder via Excel's Open Dialog Box, it will 100% fine. I can't allow Delete/Rename Folder permission but need to allow create folder with user's intended folder name, what do you think? Thanks!

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