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Auto-Configure MS Outlook


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Hi! I am trying to write an AutoIT3 script that will automatically configure a user account under MS Outlook. This is intended for my peers at my college who often do not have the ability to set it up themselves. Essentially the progam only needs two bits of information - the student's login and their password. The rest of the settings for the account are the same for each student.

My problem is that it might be very inefficient to do it this way. Not to mention, not cross-version compatible. I want as much to be automatic as possible. Can any of you think of a better way to do this?

Alas, can anyone give me some sample code for creating a user input screen for my script?

Is there a way to detect which version of outlook they have (Express/2003/2007), or if they have any at all?

Is there some file containing the settings for an account that I could just edit?


Edited by Decker87
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