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Unattended install w/ Nvidia BSOD


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I did an unattended installation with the Nvidia drivers, after finishing installing and rebooting the system flicks and a quick disclaimer (BSOD) comes up saying something about the driver and reboots.

I then entered in safe mode and installed the drivers and rebooted... it worked just fine.

What is wrong with the new drivers from Nvidia?

By the way, I am installing the lattest drivers from Nvidia website using the WINNT.SIF method.

I have stratect the files to my 000_VGA folder inside my $OEM$\$1\Drivers.

The image below is the not the one I get, I could not print it, but is the same problem.


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After troubleshooting the whole installation, I found out that the problem was the new nForce driver version from Nvidia.

Something must have changed and is causing my unattended installation to crash as well as other people, I googled and I found many others with this same problem.

The solution was to download an older driver version (Dec. 2006) and it worked flawlessly.

After finishing the installation you can just update the driver and no problem.

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