Hi I'm Russell, new to NLite. When I saw it I thought it can be the answer the my problem but I've got stuck at the second hurdle. I've got an XP system, 8yo, 40Gb clear space on C drive, 2Gb memory, and a healthy system. Recently I had to reinstall because of a power failure etc etc. In the process I lost SP3 and a hundred odd updates. From the web pages expertreviews.co.uk I saw that I could use a slipstream process to put SP3 and all the updates back using NLite. I've got back SP3 and the updates downloaded ready on the PC. NLite downloaded fine but the problem came in locating the the folder with the updates. In my case this was a folder called UDC with all the updates in. When I tried to locate the folder in NLite I got this message: "Make sure that the selected folder or drive contains the i386 or AMD64 directory and proper Windows installations files. nlite is for a preinstall environment ..... Press OK. Which I did Going back to Browse I chose the right location again and again the above message came up. It seems I'm missing one process in the sequence. Could anyone please tell me how to move forward? Russell