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  1. Hello, all: I've been inactive for about the last year, because I know absolutely nothing about computers, and -- (because this is a computer website, and not an art website) -- for me, there really isn't enough interaction with artists. As some of you might know, I've posted quite a few graphics (banner-sized and userbar-sized), along with many userbar tutorials, on my thread in the "Graphics and Designing Art" forum, titled "custom avatars and signatures". You can get to the *last page* of the thread -- as of *today*, of course -- through this link: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/152748-custom-avatars-and-signatures/page-21 I've been a member of a great, 100%-art website, www.userbars.be, for *exactly* 2 years, and I've been spending my time away from MSFN making and uploading many, many userbars. As of now, I have uploaded 343 userbars in a wide variety of categories. Most of them are animated GIFs, as I've shown some on my thread above. The purpose of this post is to advertise www.userbars.be and to invite everyone interested to check out my userbar Showroom at http://www.userbars.be/showroom/LBBL (My member name there is LBBL.) I'd very much appreciate your giving me "star-votes" on the userbars you like best. I've explained the voting procedure in the Appendix at the end of this post. I do plan to become active again on MSFN by doing something like this: Every few days, I'll post a few userbars in some category, along with a funny/smart quote and, maybe, a joke. Hopefully, for the enjoyment of the MSFN'ers. That's all I can contribute, because I know absolutely nothing about computers. I'll make my first post today on my "custom avatars and signatures" thread above. It concerns e-mail Valentine userbars that I've made. Thanks for your attention, larryb123456 APPENDIX: How to vote for my userbars at www.userbars.be Here's the procedure: To see just *my* userbars, go to http://www.userbars.be/showroom/LBBL To see my userbars with my most recent at the top and the first at the bottom, go to the bottom of the page. Choose "Page 1" and on the right side, click on the button and choose "sort by date (last)". They let *anyone* vote on any member's userbars, and you don't have to be a member or sign in to do it. Notice the 5 stars below each userbar. The star to the extreme left is a 1-star vote (the worst) and the star to the extreme right is a 5-star vote (the best). When someone votes on a userbar, the stars turn yellow, which indicates that the userbar has been voted on. You can only vote 1 time for each userbar. So, *star-voting* is simple: just click on the star you want to for any of my userbars you want to -- as you start with page 1 and go all the way back to the last page. If you see a userbar you really like, feel free to download it and use it in any way that you want, without restrictions. You can see all the great "quality userbars" uploaded by the other members by clicking on what category you're interested in at the "Userbar Categories" on the left side of the page. And if you're interested in a *particular* kind of userbar, just type in the keyword(s) in the "Search" box at the top right of the page. Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy looking at all the userbars at www.userbars.be larryb123456
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