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Posts posted by gbkyle

  1. Hey I've searched around a bit but couldnt find an exact answer to this question. I just set up a quick RIS Server using 2k3 and I have my Unattended XP ISO ready to go. Now I had the RIS server copy the files over or whatever using the wizard. When i ran a PXE install i dont think it was using my WINNT.SIF file that I created because the install asked me for a CDKEY. From what I've read the RIS server uses its of .SIF file? Can i just copy and paste my winnt.sif into the RIS's .SIF and just keep the boot options or what not? Do I just drop my winnt.sif into a folder? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  2. Hi i've read the manual like 5 times and tried all these different ways of getting the files to copy over, maybe im just being an id*** and missing something simple. I had my office dir copied to C:\XP\$OEM$\$1\install\Applications\OFFICE2003\ and my batch read


    ECHO Installing Office 2003

    ECHO Please wait...

    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\PRO11.msi /QB

    I also had



    in my winnt.sif file.. I checked and the file name install.cmd is in my folders (infact i put it everywhere i thought it could read it from) but it is in the C:\XP\$OEM$\$1\install\ folder. When I boot it says cannot find C:\install\install.cmd and there is no C:\install folder..

    I also placed the Applications folder in C:\XP\$OEM$\$$\.. and again that wasnt copied to the C:\windows\ folder.. any suggestions? Thank you

    EDIT: maybe its cause i had OemPreinstall = NO .... ill post back.. sry for wasting your time ;)

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