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Posts posted by Kaonashi

  1. Maybe if you remove/disable System File Checker (saves copies of Windows system files and Outlook Express etc in some subfolder of your Windows-directory) and System Restore. That's what I did, and I didn't remove a lot of other stuff, so my guess was that this was reducing my Windows so that my Windows-dir is only 585 MB after install.

    As for speed, I think Camarade Tux has made some good points. I'd like to add that you could disable all visual effects, that is, no teletubbie-interface but back to Win2K-style, and after installation go to System Properties (winkey+Break) > Advanced > Performance-settings and click Adjust for best performance. Also, go to Display Properties (Start > Run > "control desktop") > Appearance and click Effects. Uncheck the transition effects thing, the Shadows under menus and Show Windows contents while dragging.

    A lot of these visual effects are in nLite too, in the Tweaks-section under Visual Effects, but a lot of people, including me, have reported that the tweaks don't work. There's workarounds for that, but that gets way too complicated for now :D

    O, by the way, I think there's also a Performance tweaks-part in that same Tweaks-section. Do what you gotta do :)

  2. O, I was already reading it. It's great, I'm learning a lot!

    So the different stages of setup have a fixed "remaining time" instead of a realtime calculated one? :w00t: Weird :P

    I understand now though, thank you T-ux ;)

  3. Hey guys,

    I was mainly searching for how to get the visual tweaks working, and I come across sentences like "You'll have to import these tweaks at T-12 or before.". I didn't know what it was but I thought it would be explained in the Unattended Windows guide, so I started reading it, but even there it's just left unexplained. I thought in English T-xx is used to indicate a point in time of a running process, but I think that's not applicable here because different computers and different installs take different amounts of time. So: I'm completely clueless here! Hope someone can explain...

    Thanks in advance :)

  4. Actually, I think xpuser was/is looking for that neat Preset-button (only a button when you hover over it or press alt and then right arrow) that's always present in the lower left corner of the nLite window :)

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