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Posts posted by kkj1961

  1. Hi. I am installing Vista on an HP Media Center PC. I have an NVIDIA 6800GS video card and 1 gb of ram. The installation was going very smooth. Copied files. Expanded Files. Installed upgrades and features. It had rebooted a couple times and was on the Completing Installation task. The screen flickered and went dark (like the machine was rebooting). It has stayed dark for quite a while now (over 15 minutes). There is still hard drive activity, so I was wondering if this is normal at the end of the Vista install, or if I should try rebooting. I don't want to interrupt it if it is still installing files.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I am also using DVI output for video. It seemed to work fine throughout the install. Do I need to switch to svideo for Vista until I can select DVI?


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