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Posts posted by MelTraX

  1. Sorry, actually I don't have that PC anymore and neither do I have the ini..

    But I removed pretty much everything possible ;).. And the HD usage should be about 1GB with Hiberfil and Pagefile..

    If you can spare 1GB on the HDD atm you should just create another partition and try it ;)

  2. That's the line you're refering to I guess (and yes Windows says "Invalid Password"):

    nhelper net1 user """"[removed]"""" /fullname:""""[removed]"""" /passwordreq:no

    As you can see there shouldn't be a password required..

    Since I have a physical computer without any use atm, I will revert to 1.2.1.. Actually I already tried twice but my own PC crashed with two different reasons during the nlite-process.. :blink:

    If I have the time I will do some tests in a VM but you know: it's Christmas :angel

    Edit: I just gave it another try.. I used the same ini but gave my renamed Admin a password. Installed it in a VM but couldn't login with that password either..

  3. Hey guys,

    I do have the same problem.. The wierd thing is that I didn't remove any of the new components.. I just used a Session I made with 1.2.1 and added some Unattended-Stuff and updated the Update- and DriverPacks..

    The winnt.sif says (among other things of course):


    I also renamed my Admin-Account and didn't want to have any password.. I know that it's possible as I always use these settings..

    I'll attach my last_session.ini, if I can :D.. (Seems it worked)


  4. Hey Guys,

    I'm sorry because I'm quite sure this has been asked before.. Maybe I'm just searching with the wrong keywords :blink:.. I would appreciate a link to another topic or an answer...

    My Situation:

    - I set nLite to rename my Administrator-Account to "MelTraX"

    - I set the AdminPassword in the Winnt.sif-File (encrypted)

    This works like a charm but now I would like my unattended Windows (XP SP2) Installation to log on as MelTraX on first Reboot (to run my RunOnceEx), but I don't want to write my Password into the registry..

    In most of the posts I read concerning AutoLogon, the guys didn't have a password set for the account..

    Thanks in advance..

    Reading through the forum has helped me alot in the last few days.. :thumbup

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