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Posts posted by jdsv

  1. Thanks for the quick replies, guys! I guess I didn't specify that I was sticking to an XP install, and am in the US, but I did find a setting in the $winnt$.inf that had the keyboard set to "United Kingdom" instead of "United States". Would United States-International be recommended instead? Anyway, thanks again, and I'll be back here after the next restart to let you know how things have gone.

  2. I just recently installed the packaged mixi-xp os by eXperience from format on my main computer, and have found one problem that I can't fix. My Logitech S510 keyboard has some keystrokes incorrect - " and @ switched, £ (sh-3), ¬ (sh-`), # (backslash), ~ (sh-bslash). Sure, all the drivers and software given by Logitech are up to date, I'm sure there's just something wrong on the Windows side. Can anybody tell me exactly what file this problem might be connected with, so I can include it on my own personal customization? (And maybe post the file as well, so I can check if it works). Thanks all.

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