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Posts posted by Cougar_333

  1. Ive installed the drivers successfully, but I dont have the ability to control the performance settings (AA, AF, V-Sync, ect)

    Has anyone been able to use Nview, or any of the control panels from the Forceware drivers? Im dont know if they just dont work with Vista, or if Im doing something wrong.

  2. You have to disable driver signing before installing the beta drivers. Run from an elevated command prompt:

    bcdedit -set nointegritychecks ON

    It has to be run from an elevated prompt. Reboot then install your unsigned drivers.

    Iv'e got the same problem, but, Im afraid Im not familiar with "elevated command prompt". Could you please elaborate on where this is?

  3. As I am trying to install I get an "error 0xc00000e9" shortly after it starts loading off the DVD. It says its a communication error that may be caused by removing a removable media during installation, but im not touching anything. :}

    Any ideas?

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