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Posts posted by cart0181

  1. Wow! Okay, I never would have figured that out. Thanks. By the way, I just used WinZip to extract. That's okay right?

    Edit: okay, it worked. Now those two updates don't show up in Windows Updates. I'm still getting interrupted with two "windows installer" syntax dialog boxes during T-13 though. It must not have been caused by the IE7 updates as I once suspected. I'll keep working on it and post back.

  2. @Yzowl - I extracted the new .exe, but I'm unfamiliar with how to re-compress it now to the .ex_ format. Sorry, I'm a total noob, I know. :blushing:

    @Martin H -

    When using the svcpack.inf method (or the /integrate method), then all the installers for the updates are included on the disc and installed during Windows setup(T-13), which then means that an additional space and time overhead is added into the equation.

    I thought nLite uses the /integrate method, that's why it doesn't need all the installers included afterwards.

  3. I would like to report a dead link in your original post: The link to kb824994 describing the /B switch.

    While you're at it, I happened to notice a typo also, 3 lines above the dead link, I believe it was supposed to say "This has been tested."

    I have a question too. What does it do when you include both the /q and the /u switches? How is it different than only the /u switch?

    another question: Why the quotes around each line?

    I would also like to say: Wow! I didn't know that Hotfixes and updates do NOT need to be named in the 8.3 standard, as it states in The Guide. Good thing I used a batch renaming program to make mine conform to the 8.3 standard. I would have been plssed I wasted so much time!

  4. :hello: Hey everyone. I meant to post this yesterday. I've been active here for the last few days on the forum. It's likely to continue for a while as I work on a couple of Unattended XP projects. So look for my posts there. I don't like to get too personal on the web, but I do live in Minnesota, like I said. Thanks for the warm welcome, it's frikken cold up here. I look forward to working with all of you. :)
  5. Arie, thank you very much for your time and comments. Personally, I also like to be in control over my installation and would like to know what's going on from an intellectual standpoint. Right now, for me, it's more for educational purposes than anything. I will definitely be checking out HFSLIP for my next project, which will be on a DVD and will begin immediately following my current project. Unfortunately, my current project must fit on a CD for added compatibility.

    So I do have another question for you then. In your opinion, should I not be using the SVCPACK.INF method of installing hotfixes? Is it better to use HFSLIP to integrate them? Up till now, knowing nothing about this, I was using The Guide's vague descriptions. Being somewhat like you, from the sound of it, I immediately chose what it calls "The Manual Way" and then used the following paragraph to determine my preference:

    » Manual Way

    The two methods here are using the /INTEGRATE switch of the newer hotfixes, or creating a SVCPACK.INF file. The /INTEGRATE method only works for the most recent hotfixes released, I recommend using this ONLY with Windows XP SP2 hotixes. This does not include the Internet Explorer patches. The SVCPACK.INF method is the old official method, which the /INTEGRATE switch does create, but doing it by hand allows you to also add the IE patch and others. The SVCPACK.INF method is compatible with Windows 2000-2003.

    So from that it's obvious that I would choose the SVCPACK.INF method since it seems to downplay integration as being incompatible. Again, I appreciate any light you can shed on this for me. Also, I understand it may be opinionated. :sneaky: Thanks.

    P.S. Any links to said "fanboy" discussions would be nice too. It's probably exactly what I need at this point.

  6. I guess the answer to your question, Arie, is "I don't know why." In fact, I'd be interested in learning the pros & cons of using the various methods of accomplishing, in essence, the same thing. I have no experience with HFSLIP, but I'd be willing to try it given good cause. Perhaps there have been some posts that cover this that someone could direct me to. Up till now, I've been following The Guide (mostly blindly) and trying to decipher which methods are the best which it is not very clear about. It sounds like you prefer nLite, but have some experience with HFSLIP as well.

    Thanks for your thoughts Arie.

  7. :thumbup Well, my Unattended setup is working pretty well now, but there's just a few more kinks to work out. I'm sure one of you experts can be my hero on this.

    Background: I used nLite to slipstream SP2, but I've been using WINNT.SIF and SVCPACK.INF to accomplish the rest. I have WMP11 and IE7 working now. Also, I followed part of this thread to get .NET 2.0 to do a silent install that works. (I don't think I need .NET 3.0 yet)

    I think all that's left now is to get the last few updates working. When I go to Windows Update I still have these 5 left:

    KB110806 - .NET 2.0 Service Pack 1

    KB942763 - for WinXP Daylight Savings Time changes

    KB942615 - IE7 Cumulative Security

    KB938127 - IE7 Security

    KB905474 - WGA

    The two I'm most concerned about are the IE7 updates, because they seem to be hanging up my "unattended" setup. That's what I really want to focus on getting working right now. The others don't really matter, but I'm confused why the Daylight Savings Time update isn't installing since it's listed on the sticky hotfix post along with its switches. Any help with how to get these stragglers to install successfully would be greatly appreciated!

    Here's my SVCPACK.INF

    ;Windows XP
    Signature="$Windows NT$"



    wmp11.exe /Q
    IE7.exe /passive /update-no /nobackup /norestart
    KB873339.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB885836.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB886185.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB887472.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB888302.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB890830.exe /Q
    KB890859.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB891781.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893756.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893803.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896344.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896358.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896423.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896428.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB898461.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899587.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899591.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900725.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901017.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901190.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901214.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB904942.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905749.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908519.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908531.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB910437.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911280.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911562.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911564.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911927.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB912817.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB913580.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914388.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914389.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914440.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB916595.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB917537.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918118.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918439.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB919007.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920213.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920670.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920683.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920685.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920872.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB921503.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922582.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922819.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923191.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923689.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB923789.exe /Q:A /R:N
    KB923980.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924270.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924667.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925398.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925876.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925902.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926247.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926255.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926436.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927779.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927802.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927891.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB928255.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB929123.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB929338.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB929399.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB930178.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB930916.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB931261.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB931784.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB932168.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933360.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933579.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933729.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935448.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935839.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935840.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935843.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936021.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936181.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936357.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936782.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB937894.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938127.exe /Q /N /Z
    KB938828.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938829.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939373.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939683.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941202.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941568.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941569.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB941644.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB942615.exe /Q /N /Z
    KB942763.exe /Q /N /Z
    KB943460.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB943485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB944653.exe /U /O /N /Z

  8. Alright, it looks like I have most of my problems resolved. I followed the guide jbm posted and now I have a working .net 2.0 included in my unattended setup. I also got my WMP11 and IE7 working by simply adding the appropriate quiet or passive install switches. When I go to windows update now, I still have 5 updates left that appear, but that will be the topic for other threads. Thanks again jbm for the link.

  9. Okay, I've made quite a bit of progress, so I just wanted to follow-up here. I made some changes to my winnt.sif and svcpack.inf files and things are running much more smoothly now. I won't bother posting the answer file, but since I posted the svcpack.inf before, I wanted to at least post that so you could see what it looks like now. So, ignore the one in my first post please.

    Please note the code below doesn't allow .net 2.0 to install successfully.

    ;Windows XP
    Signature="$Windows NT$"



    wmp11.exe /Q
    reg delete HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW /f
    reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    dotnetfx.exe /Q /C:"install.exe /Q"
    reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    IE7.exe /passive /update-no /nobackup /norestart
    KB873339.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB885836.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB886185.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB887472.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB888302.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB890830.exe /Q
    KB890859.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB891781.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893756.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893803.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896344.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896358.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896423.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896428.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB898461.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899587.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899591.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900725.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901017.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901190.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901214.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB904942.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905749.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908519.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908531.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB910437.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911280.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911562.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911564.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911927.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB912817.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB913580.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914388.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914389.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914440.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB916595.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB917283.exe /passive
    KB917537.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918118.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918439.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB919007.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920213.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920670.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920683.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920685.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920872.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB921503.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922582.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922770.exe /passive
    KB922819.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923191.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923689.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB923789.exe /Q:A /R:N
    KB923980.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924270.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924667.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925398.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925876.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925902.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926247.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926255.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926436.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927779.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927802.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB927891.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB928255.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB928365.exe /passive
    KB929123.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB929338.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB929399.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB930178.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB930916.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB931261.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB931784.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB932168.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933360.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933579.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB933729.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935448.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935839.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935840.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935843.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936021.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936181.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936357.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB936782.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB937894.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938127.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938828.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938829.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939373.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939683.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941202.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941568.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941569.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB941644.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB942615.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB943460.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB943485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB944653.exe /U /O /N /Z

    I visited the link you posted, jbm. Thank you very much for that! I will be going over that more in detail later today and this evening. At this point, I'm thinking I only need .NET 2.0 installed, but that could change. Until reading that post, I wasn't aware that .net isn't backwards compatible. I haven't noticed any problems with uninstalling .net 1.1 after .net 2.0 is installed though. Personally, I haven't come across anything that requires .net 3.0 or 3.5 yet, but I'm sure that day will come. Actually, as a side note, if someone wants to list some apps that require them, I'd be interested in knowing that.

    I'll post back later after I try the other methods for installing .net 2.0. Thanks again.

  10. :hello: Hello everyone. I apologize up front for my noobishness.

    First of all, I have been very carefully following the "Unattended Windows" guide, but it seems to be a bit out-dated. I used the Windows Update Downloader to get all the latest hotfixes, including IE7, .NET Framework 2.0 and WMP11. I have chosen the "SVCPACK.INF Method" to install my hotfixes, and I'm testing my ISO using VMware Player. The VM is working fine, the OS installs correctly and IE7 works (a major accomplishment for me), but I receive some error messages during the T-13min stage of the setup (where it processes my svcpack.inf file). I can go into further detail, but most of you will probably know what I'm doing wrong right away just by looking at the text:

    ;Windows XP
    Signature="$Windows NT$"



    KB873339.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB885836.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB886185.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB887472.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB888302.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB890830.exe /U
    KB890859.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB891781.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893756.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB893803.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896344.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896358.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896423.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB896428.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB898461.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899587.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB899591.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB900725.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901017.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901190.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB901214.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB904942.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB905749.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908519.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB908531.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB910437.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911280.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911562.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911564.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB911927.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB912817.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB913580.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914388.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914389.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB914440.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB916595.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB917283.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB917537.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918118.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB918439.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB919007.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920213.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920670.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB920683.exe /U /O /N /Z
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    KB920872.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB921503.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922582.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922770.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB922819.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923191.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923414.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB923689.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB923789.exe /Q:A /R:N
    KB923980.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924270.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB924667.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925398.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925876.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB925902.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB926247.exe /U /O /N /Z
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    KB935840.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB935843.exe /U /O /N /Z
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    KB937894.exe /U /O /N /Z
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    KB938828.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB938829.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939373.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB939683.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941202.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941568.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB941569.EXE /U /O /N /Z
    KB941644.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB942615.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB943460.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB943485.exe /U /O /N /Z
    KB944653.exe /U /O /N /Z

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