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Posts posted by aleks_jakob

  1. Hi to all of you

    I 've got this problem that I can't solv

    Got vista x64 ultim.

    installed Sp1 from update, and now this problem ..

    when I click on start and if I want to click on my computer on start menu explorer stops working and restarts, very annoying, with clasic start menu it works OK

    I also noticed that some functions on Computer Managemant aren't working

    I want to make changes to hard discs it shuts down Computer Management..

    they all work fine without Sp1..

    Any body got any Idea what could be causing the problem

    any help appricieted

    Thousand thanks in addvanced..

  2. Yes

    It could be virus although antivir didn't report any (gonna try again)

    - but how to bring defaults back

    I can oppen My documents with a shortcut like

    "%systemroot%\explorer.exe /e,::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}"

    and My Computer with

    "%systemroot%\explorer.exe /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"

    but I need to find out what makes explorer show the search window when I click on start menu items

    there should be some reg key or somthing that fixes it..

    and Control pannel when clicked sugests to create shortcut...

    Right click works fine like I said

    Thanks again

  3. Well No

    also My Computer does the same

    when doubble clicked oppens the search for files window

    when right clicked it shows the right menu (it works OK)

    I have tryed to set everything to defaults but Won't work

    (also changed the keyboard but nothing)

    really appriciate any Help

    THANKS For your reply

  4. Hi

    Got this odd problem

    with xp home

    When I click on Control Panel I get a window suggesting that a shortcut can't be made here

    do you want the shortcut on desktop instead

    when I click on My documents I get allways the search window

    Any body knows how to fix the links from start meny (so when I click Control pannel, to have

    Control pannel oppened), and to have My Documents

    show the files and folders when I click My Documents folder

    Thanks in addvance for any suggestions

  5. Help please

    While trying to get updates for vista ultimate

    I m getting error message

    update faild

    error(s) found:

    code 80070020 Get help

    Nothing came from trying to get help

    even by searching on microsoft site

    with that error code

    Appriciate any help

    Thanks in addvance

  6. Might be a virus ...

    but I simply lost my networking ability

    when I check networking properties it opens a window but theres nothing there

    also I can't change windows classic style to xp style...

    I tried starting all services that had to do with networking and a lot of other stuff like

    system restore but nothing... Help please

    I´m using xp pro ...

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