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Posts posted by Appleadameve

  1. I've just updated my Winows Media Player 8 to version 10. After the installation my internet speed has been halfen! So I used a program called "Total Uninstall 3" to clean out all the newly created registry & files. After that my internet speed is all fine again, but my Winows Media Player 10 can't play any *.wmv or *.mp4 files, except for *.avi files

    So I used Process Explorer to do a checkup on the problem, I learnt that the "wmvcore.dll" is not being updated through the Winows Media Player 10 installation, the "wmvcore.dll" is still a version 8 & not a 10. I've try to reinstall the Winows Media Player 8 & 10 many times over & still it couldn't solve the problem, the installations just won't update the "wmvcore.dll" to version 10.

    So I went to my second PC in my house, it's also a WinXP Pro, but it has a "Winows Media Player 8" running on version 10 "wmvcore.dll" (& it actually worked because the version 10 "wmvcore.dll" included the version 8 registry in it)

    So I copy the version 10 "wmvcore.dll" from the second PC & ported it over to the troubled PC, it does solved the problem, but the Winsno Media Player 10 has a problem of playing the *.avi file in a new (isolated) media window other than within it's main screen! it doesn't do that to other file formats such as *.mpg or *.wmv ...

    Anyone knows how to fix that? thanks.

  2. Don't have System Restore in Win98SE? just backup all the "system.dat" , "classes.dat" & the "user.dat" files before any viruses invades your PC.

    How to restore the backupped resistry files (in cases of virus attacks):

    Run "msconfig.exe" & have your access to the System Configuration Utility. then click at the General tab, next at the "Extract File..." button. at the pop-up, browse to the 3 *.dat files quoted above.Located the "classes.dat" first, then once you clicked on the "Start" button … an even smaller window pops up, it has got 2 spaces & 2 buttons to the left, the upper button reads "Restore from" – this is where you should browse to the folder where you’ve stored the backupped "classes.dat" file. The lower button reads "Save file in" – in most cases it’s “C:\Windows” (you usually don’t have to mess with this one since it’s been filled out by window already). Next you need to click on the Ok then another smaller window pops-up & ask if you want to backup the to-be-replaced file or not, you shall click on the "Skip" button because the backup thing isn’t working most of the times… for it just gives the error message than a “Done”. do the same to the "system.dat" & "user.dat" files.

    Finally exit the "System Configuration Utility" without rebooting your PC. next & run the "SCANREGW.EXE" to scan the registry for errors, after the scan there should be a no-error-found prompt, click at the "Yes" button to backup the registry. finally restart your PC when being prompted by Windows.

    Your better install a program call "FileWatch" to track down any changed or newly created files that could be of an spyware & virus relevent file.

    WinXp & WinME's System Restore isn't all perfect, it'll automatically erase your very old day restore points soon or later. System Restore will automatically create a restore point without asking you first! it'll keep creating files & wasting your HDD's space by backupping files over 1.5GB even if you've set the HDD space used for System Restore at 200MB.

  3. Our Windows could be acting differently by every time we reinstalls them. Th same goes for my MS office 97. I once installed MS office 97 for my WinXP Pro, and what did you know? MS office 97 gives stupid prompts by each time I opens a document file with it, the prompt is to ask wether if the user had want to backup their opened document or not, the prompts is given by the time I've opened a document & not by the time I'm closing it! So later I reinstalled MS office 97 & the stupid message prompt is gone for ever!

    See? If you've never used MS office 97 before, then you might never knows that by default (& what's is right), that MS office 97 should never gives you any stupid prompts by every time you opened a document, which causes you to mouse click at the button "Yes" or "No"!

    Also I've got two WinXP Pro PC systems at my house, both are using the same service pack 1. Believe me, the two of WinXP Pro systems works very differently at certain things/settings when I'm using the same installed softwares/games!

  4. I bet you've never used any Win98Se before! or may be each Windows systems (98/ME/XP) can be configured as wether to make the Send To feature to make an copy of the file before it's being sent?

    Trust me, I've used Win98SE for almost 4 years & the Send To feature has never made any copies before sending a file to the assigned folder through the file menu link.

    In comparison to the Send To feature - the Move To feature is far more complicated as it involves browsing through the folder trees to locate the destination as to be sent, after that you also need to mouse click to close the opened folder(s).

  5. I'm using WinME & it annoys me that I've to delete the origin of the file that I've used the Windows' "Send To" in the file menu, because every time I uses the Send To feature - Windows actually makes a copy of the (send to) file to it's destination folder, ends up more like a "Copy To" than a "Send To". I believes that the same has happened to WinXp Pro too.

    Does anyone else shares the same problem as mine? Also this trouble only seem to applicable if you've created a new "send to" shortcut in the "C:\WINDOWS\SendTo". Seem to me MS doesn't want anyone add any more new folder shortcuts to the "C:\WINDOWS\SendTo". Win98SE is much better as it runs much more faster & use far less system spec, best of all it didn't have this "Send To" problem.

    thanks :)

  6. both "Bazooka Spyware Scanner" & "Spybot Search & Destroy" are for finding spywares, they're not process killers. I think Outpost Firewall would do the same task much sooner than the Spybot, and Bazooka is the fastest one ever, it just goes "BAZOOMMMM!!"

    The only thing I found useful is "AutoShutdown 4.5", it could shut down all the locked up processes & the explorer.exe without corrupting the boot sector/section of my HDD, hence saving the chances of Windows running the scandisk after the PC's crashed shutdown, because a bad/crashed shutdown could make my HDD read my HDD's free spaces incorrectly.

    AutoShutdown works fine on my PC only if I've configured it's program settings correctly for my PC's specification.

  7. Here's the problem: I couldn't get a very clean disconnection from the dial-up internet line. It happens because of the firewall program I'm using isn't too compatible with the Windows ME system. Casually there's a "RNAAPP.exe" running in the back of Windows which can't have it's running process killed with a program called "Process Explorer 6.0.3", so does anyone knows anything that could really kill the "RNAAPP.exe" process? because I can't shut down my PC properly if the running process of the "RNAAPP.exe" keep hanging in there, as Windows's shut down system can't kill it's process either!

    thanks :)

  8. Sorry that I hasn't made it clear that all the software/programs I'm having problem uninstalling/installing now, were once working all fine in the past without the need of any *.msi files upon installations.

    It just that suddenly Windows requires random *.msi files before it'll allows me to make an installation for a specific software/program.

    I'll try a thing called Windows Installer CleanUp Utility by the time I could lay my hand on my PC(s) running with WinXP Pro, now I'm still typing with my Windows ME.

    Is it true that the *.msi feature/files has been integrated/packed into a *.exe file? and that the *.msi contents will be "unzipped/unpacked" from the *.exe file into a %temp% (folder or registry) during installation?

    thanks anyway :)

  9. Sorry, I'm not sure how the msi thing works, but Windows is asking for *.msi files with names of a software program such as "FileWatch.msi" or a game's title such as "Need for Speed 4.msi", I really don't think I could locate anything such as "FileWatch.msi" or ""Need for Speed 4.msi" in the WinXP Pro cd.

    I'm very sure that I haven't insert any CD into my PC by the last time I've the same problem fixed.

    Sorry my english isn't fluent, but I'll try to make my problem more specific here:

    (ie only) Windows is asking me to locate an "Eve.msi" file as I'm installing a software program with a filename of "Adam.exe" intallation base.

    (ie only) It also ask me for an "Unreal Tournament.msi" when I'm installing a game with a "Quake 3 Arena.exe"

    thanks anyway :)

  10. Try:

    Deleting all the files that's in the folder(s), then you better have an system restore point that's before the folders has been created/pasted into your Window's system, because System Restore could erase/restore bugged folder trees.

  11. Hi, I'm having problems installing some of my *.exe files, what happened was, that the same *.exe once installed fine in my PC. Then when I try to uninstalls it's installed program, it asks me for location of a specific *.msi file in my PC. Since the program has been installed by an *.exe installation base, where could I find the *.msi file for that uninstallation need? So I ended up just simply deleting all the installed program files from their installed folders without using it's default uninstaller.exe

    But the real problem is: Windows XP Pro (sp1) ask me for the same *.msi file again when I try it install that same software/program again days after, so why is Windows aking me for an *.msi file as I'm installing a software program with an *.exe intallation base?

    The same problem has once happened to my second PC set which is also running Windows XP Pro (sp1). Some times Windows ask for an *.msi file with a matching file name to the installer's *.exe file, but in some cases Windows just ask for any *.msi with an irrelevent file name to the installer's *.exe file, when it comes to installing or uninstalling some of the software programs in my Windows.

    I've overcome this problem once months ago, but I lost my memory on it & can't quite remember how I've solve the mess last time!

    P.S: do you think the "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" could fix this problem?

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