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Posts posted by cableghost

  1. It's a quite good pic. I've downloaded it and reattached it to this post, for everybody to have access to it, so that you can delete your attachment from your previous post (to prevent filling your attachment quota too fast). Later I'll get back to the subject, but now I'll have to go. Happy New Year!

    Later: here're the specs... this may be a small step forward, but a step forward it is. :)

    Thank you.

  2. Hey :), read the specs.

    That drive needs 1.0 A at 5 V.

    An USB connector ONLY can provide 500 mA.

    Unless you use an external power adapter or a USB Y cable:

    I'm using a Y-cable, plugged into two separate controllers.

    I hear the disk spin up. In another partition program I have, it indicates the disk as 'Read-only' and the surface test says all sectors 'Bad', though I think that is a generic response, besides, I've never seen all secotrs bad on a disk, unless it was super-heated.

  3. Here's a cropped internet gathered image of the part of the label that was hidden under the overlaid P/N label.

    Your drive should be set as master, hence "drive 0", for working in the enclosure... so do unbend the pins away from each other, and let's see whether this has any effect, please.

    Thanks, but that's the way I had initially tried it.

    My computer sees it (Computer Mgmt Console) but I cannot do anything else with it.

  4. Although I have XP Media Center Edition 2005 installed, including all relevant updates, the GUI of Media Center is still 2002, and I cannot attach my Xbox 360.

    Attached, please find two screenshots...the GUI shown to me, and one of the version/edition installed. I should note this is OEM.

    Any thoughts?



  5. Do you have a scanner? Put the HDD label down in the scanner (with the cover open) and scan it in 600 dpi (just remember not to look towards the scanner while doing it, because the light may har your eyes). Such a scan will be good enough as a pic.

    Good idea...see attached, though my max file size is 500K.

  6. Can you open the enclosure and post here a link to a good quality pic of the HDD's full label, please? And, BTW, how is that enclosure powered? Just through the USB connection? Has it a pair of male USB plugs, of which you're using only one, perchance?

    My camera produced a crappy pic...I'll post a better pic when I can.

    I removed a working IDE HDD from a laptop

    Can you put it back there and confirm there is no issue in that environnement (booting from any external thing or from the drive itself), or otherwise, explain how sure you can be that it was a "working" HDD at first ?

    + have you checked the jumper ?

    HDD condition- I removed from a laptop that I no longer use, but it was working when I last shut it down. I cannot locate the power adapter, otherwise I certainly would check it.

    Jumpers- I tried using a jumper to properly set it, however, the IDE converter will not fit, as the jumper is to high. In thinking I would get the same result, I simply bent the two appropriate pins together, but no change in status.

    This is just a 60 GB drive, so maybe it's just not worth all the hassle.


  7. Possibilities:

    • the hard disk encliosure is a "dud" (try the same enclosure with another disk)
    • you did not connect the hard disk properly (check re-check and triple check that connections, expecially on 2.5" HDD's a bent pin is common)
    • the laptop HDD has an "authentication method" that locks the drive if connected to an adapter that is not the laptop one


    I cannot test the enclosure, but it may be. I did double-check the connection, and seems fine. Authentication issue is what I had considered, but how would one work around this?

  8. I removed a working IDE HDD from a laptop and wanted to use it as an external backup drive via USB 2.0, and inserted it into an appropriate external enclosure.

    Though Windows 7 HP Disk Manager lists the disk, it is listed as 'Unallocated' and not recognized in Windows 7, nor has a drive letter asigned to it..

    In Disk Manager, the drive cannot initialize, format, or repartition. I receive an error mesage that says the drive is write-protected. The only option I seem to have is 'Properties'.

    I have tried...

    1. Registry trick to disable write protection

    2. Formatting it within UBCD, using all possible 'wiping' programs, but there seems to be a permissions issue

    3. Multiple USB cables and ports

    Any suggestions?


  9. GUID {A68CA8B7-004F-D7B6-A698-07E2DE0F1F5D belongs to Windows time service



    How often it synchronizes depends form settings, I seem to remember that default is once a week (unless the PC is in a domain, etc.) check the Registry, values should be remained the same:



    Thank you. Though the keys are different in Win7, I did notice that my Time module did have Notify me when time changes enabled. I'll disable and get it a try.

    Some bios also can power on the computer at preset times but you might have already checked this.

    Not certain what I would be looking for...what might this be, other than WOL option?

  10. I just built a new system, Win7 SP1, and the **** thing will not stay hibernated or asleep. It wakes at around the same time each morning.

    I have turned off WOL in the BIOS, I have disabled waking for every device which had the option, and I have turned off any software updating services, that I know of.

    When checking Event Viewer, there's no software or hardware events. The first event, shown below, seems to be the PC checking the time.

    Could this actually be waking my PC?

    Log Name: System

    Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General

    Date: 5/8/2011 4:16:16 AM

    Event ID: 1

    Task Category: None

    Level: Information

    Keywords: Time


    The system time has changed to ‎2011‎-‎05‎-‎08T09:16:16.500000000Z from ‎2011‎-‎05‎-‎08T04:41:08.083033400Z.

    Event Xml:

    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">


    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General" Guid="{A68CA8B7-004F-D7B6-A698-07E2DE0F1F5D}" />




    <Data Name="NewTime">2011-05-08T09:16:16.500000000Z</Data>

    <Data Name="OldTime">2011-05-08T04:41:08.083033400Z</Data>



    BTW, I have ruled out our cat stepping on the power button, and as mentioned, I have wake by USB/keyboard/mouse disabled.

  11. I plugged in a USB speaker dongle and though the speakers connected to it work, I cannot control the volume from within Windows, I must manually adjust the vol on the speaker.

    I have made adjustments to all the OS-based speaker settings, etc.

    My USB speakers dongle: PD552 from COMODOW

    I tried installing their driver, but it would not install. Presently, the dongle is using Windows built-in USB Audio driver.

    I have Vista Pro OS.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.

  12. For whatever reason, Vista is auto-disconnecting my bluetooth headset audio. I can connect it okay, but then it gets disconnected w/o warning.

    I should mention though that now when connecting bluetooth, I no longer get any notification. I must go into the bluetooth properties and manually coinnect it.


  13. I connect to my office lan via vpn. Upon connection, I connect to my pc via RDC. This is very slick, however, it is a 2-step process.

    Is there a way to write a script that will connect to vpn and start a specific RDC session? I guess, I would only need to know how to write a script to start a vpn connection...I have a batching application to put it all together.



  14. Though I can use my bluetooth headset with an appropriate application, I cannot easily switch between mobile phone & pc.

    In order to swithc between the two, I must tap/press the bluetooth button on my phone to activate it and on the pc, there is a connect button w/in the Audio section of the Bluetooth Devices dialog box that will activate/connect my headset.

    My question...is there any chance that a script could be written & saved w/in a desktop shortcut that when clicked, would activate this connect function w/in the Bluetooth Devices Audio dialog box?



  15. I would like to connect to a home printer from a remote session back into the office.

    I am at home, connceted to my office PC via RDC. I want to know if there is anyway that during my remote session, I could connect to and print to my home printer.



  16. Upon creating a new User Account on my XP system, I cannot hear the sound from any internet-streamed media on Windows Media Player.

    The file/url opens fine and it shows the progress of the playing media file, however, I do not hear any sound. Sound is fine from any file played locally on my computer, even captured streamed media files.

  17. Whenever I try installing a 16-bit app from CD drive or ISO vdrive, nothing happens. I notice that the setup.exe is visible in my Task Mgr, though offset in the list, but it is unactive and I cannot End Task it.

    I have tried what I know to fix this issue...including replacement of autoexec.nt & config files.

    I just to not know what may be interferring with this.

    Any suggesstions?

  18. I have 1.3X gig of RAM and have my pc set for no paging file.

    Frequently, I receive an error message telling me that I am running low on memory and that the system will increase the size of the paging file. At no point do I ever see memory usage go above 80%, and most option, this message occurs when at around 70% memory usage.

    Is it possible that I may have a bad mem stick? I just can't believe I have any applications that would need nearly 400MB of RAM to simply open.




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