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  1. just adding DEL /Q /F %0 Exit to the end of my .cmd file worked for me. I could of just got lucky, but 100% deleted itself. 5 different times or so now too. Just F.Y.I. because I dang sure can't dispute anyone let alone a 6 star MSFN Expert.
  2. Just a quick follow up from me. Thanx to member Djé for this simple code that makes a batch file delete itself upon finishing. DEL /Q /F %0 Hope it helps someonelse down the line. If so give the props to Djé. I'm just a 'LiL middle man.
  3. BINGO!!! That did the trick. Y'all never cease to amaze me. I searched (I know; i guess not good enough) for a code like this but no luck. Thanx Djé! Keep those records spinnin'
  4. I am using start as the command like this..ECHO. ECHO Cleaning up leftovers start %systemdrive%\Install\cleanup.cmd EXIT It runs cleanup.cmd but I'm guesin thats the wrong command huh? If this works ... KEWL.. What a shortcut.. lemme try it out. Thanx y'all
  5. Or can I stop this .cmd from another .cmd?
  6. Question though... Where does the Finish.exe get the .cmd file from in order to extract it to the temp folder? What are the 3 things at the end of this? Is that what I use or put a title there? Title=...
  7. I have a startup.cmd file that runs from the startup folder on logon. It installs some registry tweaks and then it runs a cleanup.cmd that I have in the Temp folder. I have this cleanup.cmd deleting the startup.cmd file from the startup folder, but it won't delete it because the startup.cmd is still running the cleanup.cmd. Where does this end? Help...lol
  8. Yep, no problems. I put a batch in the startup folder, that runs another batch(in another root) which installs my reg tweaks then cleans up by deleting the batch from the startup and "whala" done.... Thanx again, it may have taken weeks to figure that nice move out by myself. YOU ROCK
  9. gdogg The only programs are as follows... 1) Cubase (audio recording/production) 2) Firepod 2.14.25 (control panel for the interfaces that plug in via firewire) more info on the firepod program can be found at http://www.presonus.com/firepod.html#downloads gdogg The only programs are as follows... 1) Cubase (audio recording/production) 2) Firepod 2.14.25 (control panel for the interfaces that plug in via firewire) more info on the firepod program can be found at http://www.presonus.com/firepod.html#downloads
  10. Much appreciated help I've recieved. I am going to do the nlite deal and see how it works. Probably just with SP2 and a firewire hotfix that windows has and cut the crap out of XP. I'll come back and let all know how it worked.. Thanx again freinds....
  11. Interesting blinkdt. Lemme see if I sorta have the right idea now. I would place my finish.exe file in the ($OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) Now the .cmd file (in the Setup=cleanup.cmd line) gets extracted to the Temp folder and automatically gets run? right? Where do I put this .cmd file to begin with? Can it just run the .reg file (Setup=tweaks.reg) or does the .reg file have to run from the .cmd file?
  12. Holy S scubasteve. Thats a lot of info there! Looks like i got some homework. Very informative link and i do believe that link holds my answer. Thanx
  13. Currently this is running from the [GuiRunOnce] in the winnt.sif file My cmdlines.txt can run my runonceex.cmd? Presently that is where i run my reg tweaks from, but like i said, some won't stick. I wont have a conflict runnung both of these from cmdlines?
  14. Yes, i think you know excatly what i'm talking about. Any way of finding a list (so to speak) of absolutle unnecesary things that i can remove? Or will Nlite give me a better understanding? thanx
  15. Here is what I have... There are some reg tweaks that won't "stick" during the installation process. What i have done is create a runonce.ex file that runs my reg tweaks (that didn't stick) and then runs a cmdlines.exe which restarts the computer after the reg tweaks have been applied. I just cannot get this runonce.exe to run on the very first time the desktop comes up. Therefore I have to manually restart, then when the desktop comes up this second time, it will run my reg tweaks and restart itself. Is there anyway that I can make the reg tweaks run and my restart command run on the very first time the desktop shows up? Thanx in advance.
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