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Posts posted by ligottage

  1. Hi, new to this forum, but found the info very helpful. With a bit of trial and error I found the following action fixed the regedit problem (as well as others).

    First, when viewing folders, go to Tools, then Folder Options. Next click on the View tab and check the copy "Show hidden files and folders" button just below the "Hidden files and folders" folder icon on the list shown in Advanced settings:, n.b. a warning will appear that you are making system files available and thus will be able to delete them. Be VERY careful from this point on.

    In the 'windows\system32\' folder, list the files in DETAIL view, find any instance of REGEDIT.COM (just sort by 'Name' and find it), click on the file (ONLY ONE TIME) to highlight it and then sort the list of files by 'Date Modified'. The list should show all the files with a 'Size' of 0 KB and 'File Type' of MS-DOS Application. Simply delete the 'regedit' file, and you should be fine. Other files that appeared on my computer were, TRACERT, TASKLIST, TASKKILL, PING, NETSTAT and CMD (this one was especially annoying until I found out where it was, couldn't get to the DOS prompt from the RUN... command).

    After fixing my problem, I searched some more and found additional information at Win32.Alcan.A virus info. Not everything that's listed actually happened to my computer, perhaps I caught it in time.

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