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Posts posted by AgentGOD

  1. Ahh.. I remember the good old windows95/98 days where if you typed in con/con or aux/aux in the run box it would BSOD :P
    Very true indeed, although with Win95 you could type pretty much anything into the run box and it would BSOD
    its funny cuz its true :lol:

    Ah yes, the good ol' times :) Attempting to call any "reserved names" would crash you. It was not until Windows 98 Second Edition that they fixed the problem.

  2. now quite honestly, you know what's the best part of people writing and releasing malicious programs for a beta OS that's still in development? It usually means they won't have an affect by the time a final is released.

    I know i've done this a few times for things i've written. I also noticed you didn't make mention of what build you were using, or what you crashed it with. Heck, anyone can screw up anything with a few right commands regardless of security.

    Build 5308.

  3. A beta product running beta drivers crashes on YOUR hardware and Microsoft is embarrassed?

    Congratulations, you have just won troll of the year!

    Actually if your malicious app caused a system halt this is a prelude to a good thing as it means the Vista kernel is intercepting your attack and prevented it (by halting). When Vista becomes more mature then MS will take the take to actually prevent the attack gracefully.

    Are you the kind of guy to take a 2008 car, crash it into a telephone pole and call Ford embarrassed because no air bags deployed... oh wait look, the car is not done yet & they haven't installed the air bags.

    Windows Vista did not intercept the crash attempt. The system files were actually corrupted, rendering Windows unable to boot.

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