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Posts posted by kitts

  1. the easy way is to use a registry editor of your choice (or use windows built-in regedit). then you have to know where are the registration details and/or settings of the program you want.

    most reg editors can just right click on the key or keys you want to export and they save it as a .reg file.

    when you run your app from runonceex you have to import the .reg file using syntax like this:

    REG ADD %KEY%\099 /VE /D "GlobFX Swiff Player 1.1" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\099 /V 1 /D "%cdrom%\Programas\swiffplayer\swiffplayer.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\099 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %cdrom%\Programas\swiffplayer\settings.reg" /f

    hope this answer you question.

    i now understand..but in which part of regedit do serial and other details are entered?

  2. i dont have windvd but this is the way i know to do installshield setups silent

    (this is not 100% sure that will work)

    try it and you'll see...

    extract the contents of the archive with winrar or 7zip in to a folder

    if the installation is .exe

    run the setup with -R switch

    (it will probably ask you where to install - save it in c:\windvd)

    and finish the installation

    then go to c:\windows and copy the setup.iss file to the c:\windvd

    the setup.iss may be not in windows folder but it could be in your c:\windvd folder or in some subfolder of it

    just find it and copy it there or (if the .exe is not in c:windvd) copy it in the subfolder that has the .exe

    wherever it is you have to finish the installation and not reboot if needed and then copy the .iss

    then run the exe with -s switch ( some of them does not work with -s )

    this is not working will all the installshield installers you have to try it and see if it works

    if it's msi just run it with the command that is in the window of your screenshot

    very simple i thing...

    no need for all the things above

    Thanks fot that..now it installs Silently..it is just using setup.iss

    My code for IntervideowinDvd 7 on RunOnceEX.cmd is.... :thumbup

    REG ADD %KEY%\036 /VE /D "Intervideowindvd7" /f 
    REG ADD %KEY%\036 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\apps\intervideowindvd7\Setup.exe /s /f1"%systemdrive%\setup.iss" /f

    Where u use "setup.iss" generated in the normal installation and copy it to $OEM/$1 FOLDER..to the roor of the system drive.

    i want to know how to use 'no reboot' switch..for 'WinDvr 3' a 'tv capture software'..it asks for reboot. It is also based on the same intervideo windvd 7 installer..and is from the same company.

  3. Can anyone make silent switch for Intervideo win Dvd 7..it comes in self extracting file..and wheni scanned it with USF .exe the following dialogue box appears...

    its install shield®installer..and has cab files , setup.iss etc..


    it also asks u for google bar install 'yes' or 'no'.

    switched any one plz...

  4. thanks for the code ..no wi know how to use $OEM$ folders to copy files to sysytem root or to the windows folder..

    How do i install drivers which in come in setup.exe without possibility of extraction..should i try application install method on RunOEX.cmd?

  5. Scroll down to the lines containing SetDevicePath.exe and correct the path. Change \Drivers to where you saved the files on in your source and the parameter ( %CDROM%\Drivers ) to where you saved all your driver files. Also correct the path in the line directly below it as well.

    i want some more explanation on this..My drives folder in the source is like this... is


    i copied both SetDevicePath.exe and WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe to drivers folder. opened presetup.cmd..But i am confused about the' path and parameter' change.

    Any help with this? :o:o:blushing:

  6. hello everyone,

    i am kitts,24,India. i was searching for integrating drivers into xpcd when google threw up this site. i 've been attempting slipstream of drivers and applications to xpdvd. Hope i will find some help here. :)

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