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Posts posted by TruVue

  1. It's just a test domain, using nothing but 2-3 year old Dell desktops as win2k and 2k3 servers, not even connected to a network, only a 10/100 hub. We just test stuff on it before using the real servers. I'm not worried about the password ;)

    I'll try the non encrypted pw and see what happens.

  2. I have recently gotten an RIS installation working on our test domain before we go ahead and push our implementation to the live server system. However, I am having a problem with the autologon feature. Previously, when I was only doing an unattended install from a CD, I had fixed the problem, but with the new RIS implementation, autologon fails with an invalid password. you can log in if you do it normally, but I want to get the autologin working so the computer can finish its installs w/o any user intervention.

    This is what I have in my ristndrd.sif file (the important parts)



    Do I need to turn off the encrypted password? Is there something left out here? Thanks much and any help is appreciated!

  3. I'm trying to edit the classic logon screen for my unattended installation in Windows XP Pro so that all future computers will have our company logo on each side of the "windows xp professional" graphic on the classic logon graphic. I am basically following the instructions on MSFN.

    I opened up the existing msgina.dll in my system32, used ResEdit to extract the Bitmap00101 and Bitmap00107 bitmaps, used Photoshop to add the logos, replaced the old bitmaps with the newly created (new file names too, just in case it matters) bitmaps and saved the resource as "tvgina.dll" in the $$\system32 directory of my OEM folder.

    (The original bmp's were 31k and 37k. The new bmp's turned out to be 89k and 101k, just for info's sake)

    I attempted to run a registry tweak, following MSFN's directions, but nothing happens. I check the registry and see there is no entry for GinaDLL under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon. I check other machines and notice that none of them have GinaDLL in the registry.

    I decide to add my own string called GinaDLL, make sure it's a REG_SZ and put in the path C:\WINDOWS\system32\tvgina.dll (I copied the file to the system32 directory on my test machine). Rebooted and get hit with the nasty 'could not load dll' error w/ Restart button. Went into safe mode, removed the registry line.

    I then decided to rename msgina.dll to msgina.OLD and renamed tvgina.dll to msgina.dll and let the machine load it on its own. After a reboot, the new logo's worked, however, ctrl-alt-delete and shutdown no longer brought up a window. (:blink:). Had to run recovery console to rename the dll files and revert back to the original dll files. This tells me that bitmap 107 seems to work but there's something wrong with 101?

    Can anyone give any feedback as to why this isn't working? Kinda at a loss :}, especially with the regedit stuff.

    my reg tweak code btw:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    I've tried it with quotes around ginadll instead of mygina also. pulling this off of msfn basically.

  4. I am setting up an unattended install image with NLITE for our company machines. Our machines are set up to use a domain. Once they are added to the initial domain, there are multiple domains to choose from in the pull down menu on the login screen, in addition to the local computer name (this computer) option. For a non domain login, the local machine admin account has a seperate password, different from the domain administrator login password.

    In my unattended install setup, under the Administrator tab, I have been using the local administrator password, (lets just call it "qwerty"). Under the domain tab, I use the domain administrator user name (administrator) and the network admin login password, (let's call it "asdfgh")

    Upon installation of windows, when setup hits login, I receive a logon error. The login screen shows "administrator" as the username and the self assigned local computer name (this computer) as the "log on to" option.

    Is nlite setting up the initial admin login to use my domain admin password? or is it trying to log in to the domain account with the local admin password? Either way, I can't proceed with the installation until i manually enter the local admin password, or change the "log on to" option and use the domain admin password.

    Any one have an idea how I can fix this initial login so my unattended setup can proceed with my application installs? Thanks!

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